Balmain and H&M

Many people have heard about Balmain´s collection at H&M.
I also heard about it was crazy in the stores.
I got one pair of earrings :)

And if I could wish for two things more...then it would be....
This jacket <3
Adn this jacket <3
I really like H&M and happy that they get these kind of collections.
Peace and Love

2015 Barbie Look Collection

Now I finally got them all!
Some collect stamps and some collect records....we all collect something.
I collect these dolls.
These are not any Barbie doll. Every year comes 4 new dolls in this collection.
So this year I have them all :)
I have one from last yearand that was why I started to collect them.
Another doll I have that is special
So continue to collect if you want to and don´t care if other people thinks it is childish.
Peace and Love

My new blog

My new PINK blog!
Wear Pink!
Peace and Love


There are so many cute animals in the world and some...not so cute animals.
My favorite animals is:
Hope one day I can have one dog :)
So cute. I think I fell in love with it when I saw Disney short movie with Pluto and the turtle
And then after that my elder sister got one and he was so cute.
Not horse....the donkey.
So beautiful eyes and the way they move. AMAZING!
They have a very cute face
So cute too
Great Tit
 Black-headed Gull

I think many more are cute like rabbits, foxes, squirrels and so on.
Animals that I don´t like is:
I can´t even look at Googles pictures on real spiders
This is a Google thanks god not on me
What is you favorite animal?
Peace and Love


I forgot for a moment it is Easter today
I hope you all get a great holiday.
Had other plans what I got. I would be away with bf but instead I got sick :(
But I do the best of it anyway. I think I will one egg at least.
So enjoy it if you are with friends and family.
If you are alone as me....ENJOY it too!
You can shoose witch movie, channel,music, food....anything
So ENJOY you day!
Peace and Love


There are some beautiful Barbie dolls that you can collect. They are litte more expensive then the other Barbie dolls.
But I would like to have more of them.
Thes dolls are for collect and not to play with.
So far I have two and these I have:
I want many Barbie dolls in the collection area.
 There are so many more that I want but....of course it will not be all of them.
Peace and Love

Valentine´s day

Peace and Love

Valentine´s day

Peace and Love

Valentine´s day

Peace and Love

Valentine´s day

Peace and Love

Valentine´s day

Peace and Love

Washing rooms

I think it is the sadest place to be and same time...I have to wash my clothes.
The sad is that some of the people who lives here doesn´t have any life at all.
Complain on everything and everyone. And they even complain on the innocents.
They LOVE to write little notes and put on the wall.
Of course that I can complain too but not on this kind of way.
If everyone accepted the washing times then everything would be happy.
And talk to eachother instead of writing notes, then would find the guilty one.
I wish I had a own washing machine inside of the apartment.
Peace and Love


My dear sister is more into these shoes
But I have found some:)
But still I think we have little different styles
This is what I found for me:
And to my sister:
I have a wonder
I been looking for Winter shoes but where to find them??? In the stores...NO!
They don´t sell those??? Only thin Autumn shoes.
Where to buy them??

How natural are you? FUN TEST!

(x) Mascara over SEK 100
(x) A straightener
() A curling iron
(x) Design Perfume
() Foundation over SEK 200
(x) Eyelash curler
(x) Different strippers
() Special hair conditioner in a spray bottle
() Lip gloss over SEK 100
(x) Hair mask
(x) Body Butter
(x) Body Lotion
(x) Perfume over SEK 300
() Fixed nails

Total = 9

You ...

() Uses curling iron / straightener every day
(x) Uses Fondation every day
(x) Uses mascara every day
(x) Uses eyeliner every day
() Uses lip gloss every day
() Uses body butter every day
() Uses body lotion every day
(x) Uses facial cleanser every day
() Uses hair mask every day
() Uses hairspray every day
(x) Working out at the gym
() Cuts up every / every month

Total = 5
You have ...

() tinted hair
() Dyed hair
() Extensions
() pierced you
() tattooed you
(x) Taken pierced ears

Total = 1

Total: 15

0-10 The natural most natural girl.
10-15 Natural but the extent of their looks!
15-20 Tone it down a little
20- 25 Half plastic, half human.
25-30 Barbie doll. Only plastic.
I have tried dyed my hair, had extension and had fixed nails.
Peace and Love

Hi again!

I hope I can be better this year!
I hope you all had a great start on the new year 2015!
Peace and Love

I am here!

Sorry that I haven´t been writing for a while.
It is not always easy to find time to write.
It is December and I hven´t found the Christmas feeling yet. I am looking everywhere for it. Where is it?
Perhaps it is because there are no snow on the ground?
Hope it comes soon:)
I am playing a new game on the computer(online). It is called Trainstation.
It takes some time to get into it but when you are in it...then you are stuck:P
Just kidding:)
You can shoose when to play and nothing happens if you forget to send the trains away.
Compare to the game Farmville on FB...plants dies if you dont take care of it.
Hope I can find more time to write:)
Peace and Love

Hair inspiration

Peace and Love

Make up Inspiration

I wish I had a Sephora store close to me.
The only thing I have so far is:
and I LOVE it!!!
During the Summer I really want to be brown in the skin. But that is not always easy if you dont want skin cancer.
So sunbath short times and no solarium. Been thinking about tanning creams, spray tanning or tanning pills.
But what is the most healthy?
Peace and Love

Some Kind of Wonderful

Is one of my favorites movies.
So sweet and romantic.
My favorite person in this movie is Watts
She is the best friend to Keith
Wich is in love with Amanda
and the rest I will not tell. I just say:Watch it!
This is not a new movie so I will show you how these people looks now
Peace and Love

TV Show

This is a funny show
Peace and Love

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