
 Peace and Love


I am looking for to get a double bed. But where to get it?
Have an idea which bed....should I?
Looking around google too and found some other beds.....
But this is the one I think I will get
I like the drawers under the bed.
Soon maybe I will get it.
Peace and Love


I could imagine have more pink in my home.
Not whole pink but a touch of pink. So googled little on pictures and pink ;)
Isn´t this nice?
But I guess my bf wouldn´t like so much pink so I can go a long with a touch of it.
I want something pink in every room.
Peace and Love

Victoria Beckham

I have told you before that I LOVE Victoria Beckham´s fashion!
And now she is selling som clothes for charity...OMG!!!
I wish I had that kind of money and was in that size so I could wear them too.
This some of the clothes she is selling:
And there are som actions too on these:
Of all these things that she is selling...I wish I could have the shoes..
And a other thing I love with her is her shoes.
Just look at these pictures:
Hope you enjoy this:)
Peace and Love


Peace and Love

Festival fashion

I been at festivals but then it been ROCK festivals.
Thats means a lot of black clothes:)
But I always put in some colors in it.
But I get inspiration from famous people and their fashion when they go to festivals.
I guess Way out West has this kind of dress code.
I am more for the Rock festivals.
Peace and Love

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