New Year's Resolution

I really want toget closer to my goals and dreams and that is my New Year´s Resolutions 2016
1. To get a fit body
I get my ispirations by some famous girls
I have one more but that is a secret one
2. Save money
For my future and travels
Let´s hhope I can keep them!!!
Peace and Love

Training Inspiration

Peace and Love

Training Inspiration

Peace and Love

Training Inspiration

 Peace and Love

Training Inspiration

 Peace and Love

Back from the gym!

It went so good at the gym today. If I should complain on something then it is on my right shoulder.
Some machines makes it painful.
In the end I lost 840cCal:)
Now time for eat something and take a shower.
Peace and Love




 Peace and Love

Home and training

Back home in the city again:)
Been away for a short trip at my parents and didn´t bring the computer with this time.
I met my uncle and his wife:)
Now I am eating my grilled chicken. Not a whole one:) Have to think about my figure;)
This weekend is working and no time for any gym:(
So maybe some training at home.
 Many Youtube videos on:)
Peace and Love

Fit Inspiration!

Been at the gym an now time to eat something good.
It went really good today:)
I really want to come in shape. Feel some changes but I want more.
Inspo for today
Peace and Love


Back from gym and it worked pretty good.
So now it time for me to eat something.
Peace and Love


It went really good at the gym today:)
Now I will make myself ready to meet J.
Peace and Love

Plans and a contest

Hope that you have a great day today.
Now I am a bit tired but it will be better soon after coffee and food.
My plan today is go to the gym and maybe meet J.
On Monday a contest for me starts.
Le´t see if i can win that;)
Maybe I can reach my goal with this.
Inspiration for to get in fit:)
This contest is not a diet! And I have to do it the right way.
So more training and more to think about what I eat. And I will eat.
Peace and Love


It went really good at the gym today:D
So now it is time for eat something:)
Peace and Love


 Peace and Love

Make Up Inspiration

Good morning!
Woke up early and couldn´t go back into sleep. and that was for two hours ago.
My plan for today is to go to the gym and workout.
It looks like it will not be good weather today:(
But that will not distroy my day. I will make it perfect as usual:)
 and some music too
 See you later!
Peace and Love


Gym went pretty ok. My right arm hurts:(
Only in the machines for arms but not when I relax.
I will take it easy. Maybe swimming can work:)
The walk to the gym is 100kCal (one way). So 200kCal only there.
And 300kCal during condition  machines.
With my sister´s help that I changed my training. At least 500kCal every time.
Peace and Love

Gym and Swim

Breakfast in the belly and ready for the gym!
Let´s see if I take a swim later today too. It will be a warm day:)

I hope that my holiday will get these great sunny days too. Littler nervous that the summer is now and not in August or September. But still I have to think positive. Summer is here to stay.
My strawberry plants loves it that way too;)
See you later I hope!
Peace and Love


Been swimming and sunbath:)
So nice in this weather:)
But I am careful in the sun. Get brown slower maybe but safer.
Tonight I will BBQ with my friends G, M, J and B. B´s partner I have never met yet but I guess he is friendly too.

So no update more today if I don´t do anything on my iPhone.
Peace and Love

Gym and music

The gym went PERFECT!
Feel so good now:)
I really want to come in shape.
It is so wonderful weather outside today and I am sitting in-doors:(
I will come out later when I will meet J.
Hope you all have a great day as me:)
Peace and Love

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