Sex and the City apartment

I really like to watch Sex and the city
The clothes, their apartments....everything
Here is Carrie Bradshaws apartment
Isn´t this nice?
Found this at google too:
I wish I had this apartment:)
It only missing a balcony
Peace and Love


I am looking for to get a double bed. But where to get it?
Have an idea which bed....should I?
Looking around google too and found some other beds.....
But this is the one I think I will get
I like the drawers under the bed.
Soon maybe I will get it.
Peace and Love


I could imagine have more pink in my home.
Not whole pink but a touch of pink. So googled little on pictures and pink ;)
Isn´t this nice?
But I guess my bf wouldn´t like so much pink so I can go a long with a touch of it.
I want something pink in every room.
Peace and Love


Looking for a bed
But where to buy it?
Wouldn´t it be nice to have a round bed?
Found these two too on this site
I don´t know what it costs ...
I really LOVE them
If you press on the picture then you come to the site
Peace and Love


This our plan to get or seen so far:)
Peace and Love


Wonder what my plans will be today?
IKEA and look at beds perhaps.
In that store I always come out with something even if I don´t have any plans to get something.
It is a great store.
This one I have seen at many Youtube users.
Often they use this for their make up
I don´t have so much make up as they so no use for me.
Ok that I could use some of them for other things.
Hope you all get a great Sunday!
Peace and Love


Hope I can them one day:)
Most the second lamp.
Peace and Love


I guess tomorrow I will go to IKEA and look at these:)
And I will get this from my friend:)
I really need this for my clothes and get a room for bf ´s clothes when he will move in here.
Peace and Love

Good Morning!

Hope you all woke up with a smile!
I woke up tired:P
Thinking about to get a bigger and better bed:)
But there are so many in the stores:S
One thing is for sure that I will pick the bed and not let someone else decide.
These are from IKEA
I will look more for that.Now it is breakfast time:)
Peace and Love


I trying to decorate my room to be more me;)
Here is some inspiration
Peace and Love


Been out in the city.
Had to buy a present to a friend and get ready for an other thing this weekend.
And something tom my home:)
Now I will bake small pies to my guests.
I didn´t take a picture on the gift but this is what it is.(taken from google)
Peace and Love

Make up box

I been looking for boxes for my make up and I have found something good in IKEA.
It has a cap too.
I really want to change here in my apartment and a makeup table is not bad.
Do you have any favorite makeup label?
Like you see that MAC is one of mine;)
If you have advise how to keep the makeup...tell me!
Peace and Love

Clothes problem;)

Now the laundry day is over!
It feels good to have clean clothes.
Sometimes I feel that I don´t have any clothes to wear and in the other hand I know that I have to much clothes.
I think many of us girls feels like that.
Or what is to much?
I think I have to go through my wardrobe and take away the clothes that I don´t wear anymore.
Even if I think so I still want Mariah Carey´s wardrobe;)
Or is it that I want a walk-in-closet?
Peace and Love


Looking at these two things and wonder if they will fit my apartment
Looking at Friends on TV now and it was very long time ago I saw that.
That was a really good serie.
Now it is 2 & half men.
Peace and Love


What a bad update-day today. Nothing really happend and I am so tired.
It was really lovely weather today so I took a walk in the sunshine. First day it felt like Spring was on it´s way.
I really want it soon!
I want to wear my new shoes:)
Love shoes and I could get many more but it has to be a time to wear them too:)
Thinking about getting shelves in the hall along the roof to the shoes and the bags.
Wonder if my father could imagine to help me there;)
Let´s see if I come back later.
Peace and Love


Found something to the bathroom. I don´t want everything to be shown there so I got something to hides it a bit.
Don´t have any picture on it yet. Maybe when I put it all together then the picture will come too.
I looked at this one first but found one much better.
Peace and Love


Working still!
Really want to change little with my apartment.
First of all I guess I need to deal with the kitchen.
This should be perfect but not the both of them.
Peace and Love

Decorate and Ski!

Try to deal with my apartment again.
Really want some new things in it. But don´t know where to get them.
been talking to my friend about a ski trip that I may do next year. So now I have to plan if I should get the thing to that too like:
Hope you all have great day!
Peace and Love


Looking trough some ideas about walk-in-closet. I wish I could get one but I don´t have the room for it:(
Maybe next apartment I will get that:)
So I have to do a improvise with that apartment I got:)
Here is some celebrities closets that I get some inspiration.
Wonder how Victoria Beckham´s closet look like. Wish I could go in there:)
Peace and Love


Back again after a trip to IKEA:)
And of course...I bought some things;)
I needed a lamp in my bedrooms window, and saw three ideas.
but I get this one:
And some more things I came home with is these:
The bag is made for to have the laptop in. So now I can take with mine everywhere:)
So now it is time for coffee:)
Peace and Love

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