Winnie the Pooh's little wise book

Taken from a little bok that I have with Winnie the Pooh.
So I write something from that
"There is nothing in mind to do, said Pooh modest, for you know how it is, Rabbit, but sometimes it all by itself."
Peace and Love


I got 20% on the books and on those who was on SALE allready.
And found cook books to me:)
Hope I learn to cook food and make it more fun.
And while I was there, I bought some books to my sister.
And one book to our father
So now I will clean the apartment!
And maybe a pizza;)
Peace and Love


Been at the book SALE again:)
And of course came home with some books. And some of them was to my sister.
and to my sister:
Now I have two books more to read:)
Peace and Love


To go on book SALE is really dangerous for the wallet and at the same time so FUN!!!
And two books to my sister
I will go back tomorrow and look again;)
But now it is time for bed:)
Peace and Love

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