Christmas gifts:)

I got my last Christmas gifts today and I LOVE them!
I only say that I will see this 2014:)
Miyavi always has and always will be one of my favorites. Sad that he don´t play here in Sweden:(
So now I will go somewhere else to see him play:)
Yohio....seen his concert twice this year.What can I say? I really love his music:)
Got a COOL t-shirt too:)
By Yu Phoenix. Wanted this one for a long time:)
First time I saw Yu Phoenix was when he was in the music band Cinema Bizarre.
And now making music with the band DNR.
What more....
Many pictures with Tokio Hotel
A wonderful drawing picture of me and my sister<3
A pink kitchen knife
My twin sister knows me 100% and know what I want:)
Peace and Love


Been at a concert with J and M.
Saw Satyricon and it was pretty good. Not bad at all.
And soon it is time for bed. Don´t really feel for that yet but I have laundry day tomorrow morning.
Not fun at all but it is a must anyway.
Have to get the clothes clean before Christmas. Clothes that I want to wear then.
See you tomorrow
Peace and Love


 Tonight I will se them with my sister and her friend:)
Hope you all have a great day!
Peace and Love

Had a great weekend

Bad update this weekend.
I been away to see Yohio!
Celebrate a cute little girl:) and eat cake
Now I have to study the last things.
Peace and Love


 Hope that they come close here;)
I know one person who would LOVE to see them! Specially one of them;)
I want to see them too:)
Peace and Love


That I really want to to if they ever come is Vamps!
Peace and Love

hi and good night!

Back home again:)
Want to say right now that tomorrowwill be a BAD UPDATE!
I guess that I will not have time at all to writebut I will do try.
Seen Hypocrisy today and it was GREAT!
Peace and Love

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