
 Peace and Love


Found these questions from an other blog and got inspiration from it :)
1. Name? - SHOXX
2. The exact age? - 35
3. Where do you live? - In a big city
4. Live with? - My BF
5. Pets? - Nott yet but I hope that I can get dog

6. Color of your house? - Grey
7. When were you born? - Secret from the blog
8. Class? - None
9. What year did you took student? - Long time ago
10. Work? - Working yes but what is it is....don´t tell
11. When will you sleep tonight? - It depends how tired I am
12. Showered today? - Of course
13. Hugged someone today? - My BF
14. kissed someone today? - My BF
15. What have you eaten? - Nothing yet but I hope for Tacos later
16. Today's clothing? -Cozy clothes
17. Today's makeup? - Nothing
18. Today's sweetheart? - My BF
19. Today's most enjoyable? - My BF makes me happy
20. Do you have many friends? - I have few friends but really good friends
21. Who hugged you last? - My BF
22. How many have been unfaithful to you? - No way that I do that
23. Who were you talking to on the phone last? - My sister
24. Who did you last text from and what did it say?  My BF and the text "Hello"
25. Last movie you saw? - The Witches of Eastwick
26. Last song you heard? - "Just give me reason" by P!nk
27. What do you want to eat now? - Sweets
28. What is your favorite drink? - Water
29. What is your favorite city? - Tokyo, Berlin, Malmö
30. What is your favorite country? - Many but these are some of them: Japan, Ger
many and Sweden
31. Favorite Chore? - Shopping and spend time with my friends and BF
32. What was the best year? - Can´t say...I have many years. One of them is this year, becuase my dear twin sister got her first baby<3
33. The person you are thinking of? - My sister´s baby
34. The drinks you drunk? - Water
35. Time you threw up? - Yesterday...becuase that I had headache
36. Time you cried? - Don´t remember
37. The pizza you ate? -Kebab plate
38. Time you were in Stockholm? -last year for a concert...Bob Dylan
39. Time you were in Gothenburg? - Everyday ...
40. Time you were high? -Never done that
41. The person who made you cry? - Secret
42. Black or white? - White
43. Dog or cat? - Dogs
44. Get out and party or at home and cuddle? - Stay home and have a movie night
45. Video games or computer games? - I play some computer games but I rather play boardgames
46. ​​Single or busy? - Busy
47. Lunarstorm, saint or Playahead? - what is that?
48. Pick up or be picked up? - Picked I guess
49. Big Brother or Paradise Hotel? - None
50. Black hair or blondt? - Black hair
51. Blue eyes or brown? - Brown
52. The chocolate or licorice? - Chocolate
53. Gothenburg or Stockholm? - Gothenburg
54. Right-handed or left-handed? - Right-handed!
55. Coca-Cola or Fanta? - Fanta
56. Pizza or kebabs? - Like them both
57. Striped or dotted? - Striped
58. Love or loved? - Both
59. Live or die? - Live
60. People you love? - To many to count
61. People you hate? - I don´t really hate someone...I am more dislike
62. People who say I love you? - Many
63. People who hated you? - None that I know about....And I don´t really care either
64. The ice creams you eat in a day? -  Three or four
65. Festivals you been / be this year? - None
66. Times you had memory lapses? - Never had it
67. Piercings do you have? - The ears only
68. People you miss right now? -  Friends and family
69. Times your heart broken? - Can´t remember
70. Would you kiss now? - My sister´s baby
71. Are you going to meet tomorrow? - Maybe a friend
72. Last time you sang? - Singing little every day
73. Did you later an MSN conversation with? - Don´t use MSN
74. Did you play video games with last? - My sister but that was really long time ago
75. Do you want to take with you on a romantic journey now? - My BF
76. Would you throw a stone in the head on - None
77. Deserve to die? - The mean people
78. Do you sleep next to tonight? - My BF
79. Do you happy? - Friends, BF, my work and much more
80. Do you sad? -  War
81. What would you rather do? Watch a movie and not soccer tonight
82. Do you wish you did not have to do? Watch soccc
83. Would you have now? - Food
84. Wishing you a birthday present? - To be happy
85. Do you long for? - Baby
86. Do you like your grades? - I wish I made it better
87. Do you regret in your life? - Of course...why didn´t I go to Scotland when my elder sister as there???
88. Is the best thing that has happened to you? - Many things. I am happy to be me and that I have the best family
89. Why did you do this? - Fun
Peace and Love


 Peace and Love


 Peace and Love


 Peace and Love

Happy New Year !! Welcome 2016

 Peace and Love

December 31

 Peace and Love

New Year's Resolution

I really want toget closer to my goals and dreams and that is my New Year´s Resolutions 2016
1. To get a fit body
I get my ispirations by some famous girls
I have one more but that is a secret one
2. Save money
For my future and travels
Let´s hhope I can keep them!!!
Peace and Love

New Year Tag

1. What is a favorite memory you have from the past year?
My dear sister found out that she was pregnant while she was at my place :)

2. What is something new that you tried in the past year?
Military fitness and I loved it!

3. What is one goal you have for the new year?
Get closer to my goal
4. Do you have any New Year's resolutions?
Yes, of course.

4. What is one regret you have from the past year?
Training and gym....I wish I was there more often

5. What is something you are looking forward to in the new year?
My sister´s baby
6. Were some of your friends parents this year?
Yes. One of my closest firends
7. Which countries did you visit past year?
Not this year but I hope it will be more next year
8. What do you wish you'd done less?
Beeing sick and have colds.
9. Best bargain?
My new winter boots
10. What did you do on your birthday in 2015?
Can´t remember but I guess I was with my bf and some friends.
11. Favorite TVshow?
Victoria´s Secret show
12. Favorite Movie?
The Polar Express
13. What do you spend the most money?
Clothes and shoes
14. What made you feel good?
My family and my bf
15. Is there anything you lacked in 2015 that you want to have in 2016?
I want to come closer to my dreams and goals
Found some of this questions on Youtube and some on a blog.
You are so welcome to use them :)
Peace and Love

December 24-Christmas lyric

 Peace and Love

December 23-Christmas lyric

 Peace and Love

December 22-Christmas lyric

 Peace and Love

December 21-Christmas lyric

 Peace and Love

December 20-Christmas lyric

 Peace and Love

December 19- Christmas lyric

 Peace and Love


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