New Year Tag

1. What is a favorite memory you have from the past year?
My dear sister found out that she was pregnant while she was at my place :)

2. What is something new that you tried in the past year?
Military fitness and I loved it!

3. What is one goal you have for the new year?
Get closer to my goal
4. Do you have any New Year's resolutions?
Yes, of course.

4. What is one regret you have from the past year?
Training and gym....I wish I was there more often

5. What is something you are looking forward to in the new year?
My sister´s baby
6. Were some of your friends parents this year?
Yes. One of my closest firends
7. Which countries did you visit past year?
Not this year but I hope it will be more next year
8. What do you wish you'd done less?
Beeing sick and have colds.
9. Best bargain?
My new winter boots
10. What did you do on your birthday in 2015?
Can´t remember but I guess I was with my bf and some friends.
11. Favorite TVshow?
Victoria´s Secret show
12. Favorite Movie?
The Polar Express
13. What do you spend the most money?
Clothes and shoes
14. What made you feel good?
My family and my bf
15. Is there anything you lacked in 2015 that you want to have in 2016?
I want to come closer to my dreams and goals
Found some of this questions on Youtube and some on a blog.
You are so welcome to use them :)
Peace and Love


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