New Year's Resolution

I really want toget closer to my goals and dreams and that is my New Year´s Resolutions 2016
1. To get a fit body
I get my ispirations by some famous girls
I have one more but that is a secret one
2. Save money
For my future and travels
Let´s hhope I can keep them!!!
Peace and Love

Victoria Beckham

As you may know that Victoria Beckham is one of my biggest inspiration in fashion.
I found her when she was in the Spice Girls
Found some pictures on her while she was in the band.
She still going gorgeous!
Peace and Love

Victoria Beckham

I have told you before that I LOVE Victoria Beckham´s fashion!
And now she is selling som clothes for charity...OMG!!!
I wish I had that kind of money and was in that size so I could wear them too.
This some of the clothes she is selling:
And there are som actions too on these:
Of all these things that she is selling...I wish I could have the shoes..
And a other thing I love with her is her shoes.
Just look at these pictures:
Hope you enjoy this:)
Peace and Love


What do you do on New Years Eve?
Party? Stay home with your family? Work?
Do you buy new dress for every year?
I have never been at a party then. Been working or staying with my family.
Dressing up little nicer but not in a party dress.
Maybe one day. Who knows;)
Victoria Beckham is one of my biggest inspirations in clothes, accessories and hair.
Look at these dresses:)
And her wedding dress...OMG!
It would be a dream!
Peaceand Love

Inspiration Victoria Beckham

My inspiration fro Victoria started here:
I thought she wasthe best dressed person and it continued
 And solo projects
I guess many liked the band and everyone had their favorite member.
Who did you have?

I still loves her fashion.
Peace and Love

Victoria "Posh" Beckham (Adams)

Wonder where the sun went? It is gone now:(
Anyway it will not take me down. I could sit on the morning on my balcony in the sun;)
One of my favorite fashion inspirations has always been Victoria Beckham.
From she was in the Spice Girls.
Peace and Love

FASHION for 2013 with Victoria Beckham

 Peace and Love

Inspiration Victoria Beckham!

I think she is amazing!
 Peace and Love

Youtube 4 2 day

Interview with Victoria Beckham
See you later!
Peace and Love

Victoria Beckham!

I have told you before that Victoria Beckham is one of my biggest style icon.
Here is some pictures that shows the style. I have many more that I love.
Rainy day herre:(
Nice to be indoors then:)
Peace and Love

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