
Found these questions from an other blog and got inspiration from it :)
1. Name? - SHOXX
2. The exact age? - 35
3. Where do you live? - In a big city
4. Live with? - My BF
5. Pets? - Nott yet but I hope that I can get dog

6. Color of your house? - Grey
7. When were you born? - Secret from the blog
8. Class? - None
9. What year did you took student? - Long time ago
10. Work? - Working yes but what is it is....don´t tell
11. When will you sleep tonight? - It depends how tired I am
12. Showered today? - Of course
13. Hugged someone today? - My BF
14. kissed someone today? - My BF
15. What have you eaten? - Nothing yet but I hope for Tacos later
16. Today's clothing? -Cozy clothes
17. Today's makeup? - Nothing
18. Today's sweetheart? - My BF
19. Today's most enjoyable? - My BF makes me happy
20. Do you have many friends? - I have few friends but really good friends
21. Who hugged you last? - My BF
22. How many have been unfaithful to you? - No way that I do that
23. Who were you talking to on the phone last? - My sister
24. Who did you last text from and what did it say?  My BF and the text "Hello"
25. Last movie you saw? - The Witches of Eastwick
26. Last song you heard? - "Just give me reason" by P!nk
27. What do you want to eat now? - Sweets
28. What is your favorite drink? - Water
29. What is your favorite city? - Tokyo, Berlin, Malmö
30. What is your favorite country? - Many but these are some of them: Japan, Ger
many and Sweden
31. Favorite Chore? - Shopping and spend time with my friends and BF
32. What was the best year? - Can´t say...I have many years. One of them is this year, becuase my dear twin sister got her first baby<3
33. The person you are thinking of? - My sister´s baby
34. The drinks you drunk? - Water
35. Time you threw up? - Yesterday...becuase that I had headache
36. Time you cried? - Don´t remember
37. The pizza you ate? -Kebab plate
38. Time you were in Stockholm? -last year for a concert...Bob Dylan
39. Time you were in Gothenburg? - Everyday ...
40. Time you were high? -Never done that
41. The person who made you cry? - Secret
42. Black or white? - White
43. Dog or cat? - Dogs
44. Get out and party or at home and cuddle? - Stay home and have a movie night
45. Video games or computer games? - I play some computer games but I rather play boardgames
46. ​​Single or busy? - Busy
47. Lunarstorm, saint or Playahead? - what is that?
48. Pick up or be picked up? - Picked I guess
49. Big Brother or Paradise Hotel? - None
50. Black hair or blondt? - Black hair
51. Blue eyes or brown? - Brown
52. The chocolate or licorice? - Chocolate
53. Gothenburg or Stockholm? - Gothenburg
54. Right-handed or left-handed? - Right-handed!
55. Coca-Cola or Fanta? - Fanta
56. Pizza or kebabs? - Like them both
57. Striped or dotted? - Striped
58. Love or loved? - Both
59. Live or die? - Live
60. People you love? - To many to count
61. People you hate? - I don´t really hate someone...I am more dislike
62. People who say I love you? - Many
63. People who hated you? - None that I know about....And I don´t really care either
64. The ice creams you eat in a day? -  Three or four
65. Festivals you been / be this year? - None
66. Times you had memory lapses? - Never had it
67. Piercings do you have? - The ears only
68. People you miss right now? -  Friends and family
69. Times your heart broken? - Can´t remember
70. Would you kiss now? - My sister´s baby
71. Are you going to meet tomorrow? - Maybe a friend
72. Last time you sang? - Singing little every day
73. Did you later an MSN conversation with? - Don´t use MSN
74. Did you play video games with last? - My sister but that was really long time ago
75. Do you want to take with you on a romantic journey now? - My BF
76. Would you throw a stone in the head on - None
77. Deserve to die? - The mean people
78. Do you sleep next to tonight? - My BF
79. Do you happy? - Friends, BF, my work and much more
80. Do you sad? -  War
81. What would you rather do? Watch a movie and not soccer tonight
82. Do you wish you did not have to do? Watch soccc
83. Would you have now? - Food
84. Wishing you a birthday present? - To be happy
85. Do you long for? - Baby
86. Do you like your grades? - I wish I made it better
87. Do you regret in your life? - Of course...why didn´t I go to Scotland when my elder sister as there???
88. Is the best thing that has happened to you? - Many things. I am happy to be me and that I have the best family
89. Why did you do this? - Fun
Peace and Love


 Peace and Love


 Peace and Love


 Peace and Love

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