
I got an advice from my sister about one song. It may be an old group but the song is really wonderful.
The group is T.A.T.U. and the songs name is "Gomenasai"

Love it!

The group is so good too! Love their vibe and I cant stand still when I hear it! I have to dance and sing along!

Group pass at the gym!

Tried Body Balance at it was really fun.
Body Balance take inspiration from Yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi.
The day after I felt pain in my belly mucles and thighs. So I hope I get result after that!

Tomorrow I will try on Pilates and on Monday it will be Box. Hope those are fun so I want to go there again!
I am working my body for summer 2010!

See u later!


I bought a book and it called Japanese Goth! Really nice pictures in it!

I love to read biographies.
Nikki Sixx book Heroin diaries is really good. Now I will read about Marilyn Manson.

Good reading to u all!

Visual Kei

Love that fashion!

Many japanese band has it and one of them are the Gazette!

and an other group that not exist anymore is Dué le quartz

About the gym!

The introduction of the gym went really great. Good looking guy by the way.
So I have been there one time after that.

These week I will start to do Body Balance. I hope it will be fun.

That gym has many grouppasses and I wish I could go to everything.
Box, Yoga, Pilates, Body Pump, Co-Core, Water gym and Water Flow are few example.
So good luck to me.

Today I will meet some friends!



Now I have a time for a introduction for the gym. Feel great to start to build some muscles.

It is a beautiful summer day here. Sat on my balcony and ate my lunch and soon the dinner.
Today is a cleaning day.
Took an advice from a Twitter-friend. I shake my ass while I am cleaning my flat! Make it more FUN!

Have a great day!

Start to train!

This week I bought a training card at a gym. I can shoose between swim, gym and grouptraining.
My plan is to do the three passes every week. Let see how that goes.

So today I had to buy training clothes to the gym and grouptraining.....swimwear I allready had. Went to Stadium and there are lot to shoose between. It not only one pare of pants, there are much more.
And they cost different.
At last I found one pare of pants and two t-shirts.

Now I can start with that too. so happy for that!

Good luck to me and to all of u!

Make Up

I love MAC´s eyeshadows. The colours is so lovely! Green, pink, perple, blue, black and grey! Want some more!

I never tryed the make up with Hello Kitty!

Good Luck!


Here is some things I would like to have from the store SHOCK!
Let see if I get them.

This is my latest thing I bought from Shock! It is so cosy and warm.
(not me on the pic)

I love armwarmers and legwarmers
And I have this ones!
and (not me on the pic)

Have a GREAT shopping day!

Hi there

I been working a lot so it not been so much shopping for me.
Otherwise I love to shop. My favorite store is SHOCK! LOVE IT! It is my kind of style in clothes.

An other shop is Grothica, but so far I never bought anything there.

H&M, MQ, Esprit is other stores I like to walk into.

Then we have the Online-shopping. You can find a lot there!

Kawaii Design store online and a litte shop- very nice things there!

Good luck!



I love J-ROCK!
This moment I almost just listen to that kind of music. It makes me so happy and relaxed.
My biggest favorite is Miyavi! He is so talant what he do with his music!
Then he is relly good looking too!

Girugemäsh, MUCC, Nightmare, Dir en Grey, Mix Speakers Inc, The Gazette and a lot more!

See u later!


Hello Again!

Now u all wonder what I should write about.....let´s see....

Hair and Make-Up

This is just ideas. I will write about all kind of stuff who comes through my head!

I hope everyone has a GREAT day as I have!

Bye Love

This Lip balm smells lovely!

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I am a beginner on this, but I learn pretty fast!

Have patience!


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