Hi There!

How are u all????

It is Saturday and the sun is shining....lovely! I feel much happier and stronger when I see the sun!
Energy kick!!!

I have to go back to the gym and start to train again. But now I have a cold in my body and can't train anything. I don't want it get worse.

Tokio Hotel, Rammstein, Metaltown, Rockstad Falun are my plans now....so far!!!


So long!



Tired on the winter!

Now I want the spring to come!!!! I know it still January and it is a winter month.
I need the sun....I get much happier and not so tired.

I been shopping a pair of boots. Love them!

But I don't want to walk on ice with them! So let the Spring come!!!

So long!


First day of my new life!!!!

I will make 2010 the BEST!

I got the CD:s with Kra, Kagrra and Alice Nine!!! And I just say....OMG!!!! They are GREAT!


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