Your middle name?
I have two more names

Favorite subject in school?
I don´t go in school anymore but my favorite was Arts and Crafts.

Favorite drink?
Orange jouice

Favorite song right now?
Simma eller sjunk by Mange Hellberg

Favorite food?
Japanese food

The last thing you bought?
Been at Ikea and did some shopping like this
To my new bed :)

Favorite book that I have read?
Wish that I had read much more.
Fifty shades of Grey is good

Favorite color?

Do you have any animals?
Not yet. I hope for a dog

Favorite perfume?
Lovely by Sarah Jessica Parker

Favorite holidays / vacation time?
Whole summer. Christmas is nice too.

Are you married?

Which countries have you been in?

Do you speak another language?

How many siblings do you have?
3 sisters

Favourite shop?
Omg! Many :)
H&M, Vila, Nelly, Gina Tricot, Sheinside and many more

Favorite restaurant?
Gothenburg Wok, Pinchos, Jensens Bofhous and japanese food

When you cried last?
Last week

Favorite blog?
Have 5 favorites
Isabelle Strömberg

Favorite movie?
Grease and Dirty dancing!

Favorite television show?
Sex and the city

PC or Mac?

What kind of mobile do you have?
Samsung Note 4 pink

How tall are you?

Can you cook?
I am not the best but of course I can cook some!
Peace and Love

Future tag

I don´t do Youtube but I have seen some tags that I can use.
Perhaps I takes some more tags from there :)
This time it will be Future tag
1. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I hope I have a family by my own and live in a house. And a cute little dog too:)

2. Will you marry?
Hope so ;)

3. Do you want children?

4. If you want to move, if yes, where?
I really like the city that I am living in but if I had the chance to move..... Stockholm, Copenhagen, Berlin, Tokyo, Malmö, Helsingborg, Marstrand or close the place I come from

5. How would you describe your dream house?
A house that everyone feel welcome to. Close to a forrest and to the city. Big garden.

6. What is your dream job?
Design clothes has always been my dreamwork. But I really love the work I am in now :)

7. What are 5 things you want to do before you die?
Take a trip to Japan
Travel a lot
Learn japanese and maybe german
Fullfill my dreams
Be happy

8. Are you afraid of the future?
I can´t say no there. I am little afraid.

9. What is your highest dream you want to achieve in life?
There are so many dreams.
Do it, I fought for

10. What would be the ideal age for you to die?
Can´t say.
Hope you like this idea!
Peace and Love

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