Be nice!

Take care of eachother!
I want to thank to my lovely family and friends. You know who you are!

Peace and Love



Been working on this sunny day.
Wonder id it is always like on sunny days and free from work on grey days?
Lets hope that the weekend will be so warm and sunny!

My plan for this week....hmmm dear friend M comes to me and stay the whole weekend
Suturday..............friend M/shopping/maybe go out
Sunday..................friend M

I use not to writes this kind of things becuase it always changes with some things.
Is it intresting to know this kind of things?

Coffee time!

See you later

Peace and LOce

Good morning all happy people!

Woke up today with a smile on my face. And I will try my best to keep it.

Now it is coffee time!

See you later

Peace and Love


Right or wrong?

Song contest....what can I say about that. It wasn´t a bad song that won the contest but not the best either(in my taste). I liked Dead by April most and then Danny.
But it is always like that...wrong song wins or?
It was nice to spend the evning with my friend A and her boyfriend M. He didn´t watch the show.

Be careful when you are out and party.

Peace and Love


Good morning!

Today I will meet A and M and maybe watch on the music contest on TV tonight.
Right now I feel that the cold is getting worse :(

Get some fresh flowers in the apartment. Would be really nice to get that every week.

See you later!

Peace and Love


Home again!
Have to take it easy with my health this weekend. I am not 100% well yet.

Party for me please!

Peace and  Love


Friday and party!

I hope you will have a HAPPY Friday.
Now I will go out and meet a friend!

Maybe see you later!

See you!

Peace and Love



Peace and Love




Hello everyone!
I hope you all have a NIZE day today! Sunshine and a lot of happy faces.
Now the snow is almost gone. So nice. I really want to wear my Spring clothes now.
Could only use it one day and then the snow came back.

Maybe see you later or tomorrow!

Peace and Love


Good Night!

The last update for tonight!
And that is not much that Iw ill write about.
Working day tomorrow again.

I will fix a gymcard this weekend. Want to get inteo shape :)

See you tomrrow!!!

Peace and Love


Inspirationpic 4 2 day!

Peace and Love


little about nothing

What is you plan for today?
Something fun?

What about this weekend? Anything fun going on?
I will meet my friend A and her boyfriend M and shop little.(if I can find something)
Maybe I will meet an other friend on Friday. Let´s see if she is well til then.

See you maybe later!

Peace and Love


Good morning!

Feel better today I think.
Working day today!

See you later!
Peace and Love


Have a great night!

Soon this day is over and it is working day tomorrow.
I hope you all had a GREAT day!

I will look at Project Runway at 9pm.

Peace and Love



It fitted me perfect my new clothes! Happy happy happy!!!

This I want from H&M!

one or two jeans maybe

I wish for all these but I will not get all of these.

Soon Project Runway starts on TV.
To be sick from work is not fun and it is not fun to be home beeing sick either.
so what to do for fun? at home?
I need to drink more water anyway.
have to get well til tomorrow.

Peace and Love



Got my package today fron H&M.
Have look in it right away!

Peace and Love


Spring is on the way!

I feel Spring is on the way here. I seen flowers and the sun.
Started to use my Spring coat with fake-fur scarves. LOVE IT!!
Maybe it is why I got the cold ....hmmm....
One other thing I love with Spring/Summer is the sunglasses.
I have my favorites and those are so hard to find. I guess it is not the one who is hot or in style these days, but still I love them.
Have a picture on Victoria Beckham wearing these.

Laundry day today. It is a must but not so fun.

See you later

Peace and Love



Have to stay one day more home. Not well yet.
Tomorrow it is!
I don´t have time to be sick now. But who has that?

Drink a lot of water and tea and just take it calm. That is my so-called-fun plan for to day.

I will look for a trip to London and hotels. If I find something then me and my sister is on out way there.
Let´s hope that I find something.

and maybe to this city in an other country too

What can that be?

Have a NICE day!

Peace and Love


Good Night!

Feeling little better but still not 100% good.
Have to rest now.

See you tomorrow!

Peace and Love


Cold :(

Got the cold this weekend and still have it today. Can´t go to work.
I hope I will be better tomorrow.
Keep warm and drink a lot of water.

Maybe see you later today.

Peace and Love


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