
Sorry for the weekend!
Woke up with neck pain....not good at all.
Relax and take painkillers was not my plan for today:(
Hope it pass til tomorrow!
Now it is Monday and what is you plan for today?
About this weekend.
I had a GREAT time with my twinsister. Sorry that I couldn´t go to my elder sister.
Hope we can meet this weekend.
Peace and Love


I love squirrels. They are so cute!
This is so like me;)
LOVE corncobs!
Here is my other animal favorites:
I love animals more then tese but I can say that I hate some
Here comes them:
Can´t even take a real picture on a real spider. I can´t stand them!
Peace and Love

About tan?

What do you think about solarium?
This is something you are against or for.  And it can become long discussions.
Does it help before a sun trip?
Not long time left before I go for the trip!
If I love the place....I really want to take my sister there too!
Peace and Love

Bad salad!

Ate a salad instead of pizza today.
Big salad so I couldn´t eat it all. Or was it becuase it was not the best:s
I will not shoose that place again.
My friend as a company was much better then the salad!!! I WILL MEET her again!
Now I will drink some tea and just cozy up in my sofa. Ok, I wish that I could hold around someone too but now I don´t:(
Someday he will come:)
Peace and Love

Harry Potter!

Looking at this movie now:
Soon I have to get ready for meet my friend.
My hair and make-up.
My daily makecolors is pink and purple. And of course eyeliner;)
The weather is grey but no rain(yet). Hope it will not rain!

See you later today!
Peace and Love


Found this picture on Avril and get much inspiration from it.
Peace and Love


What is you favorite label on bags?
There are many more and these..this is only some ideas.
Peace and Love

Enjoy the day!

Will meet my friend soon!
It can be a bad update this day:(
have a great day!
Peace and Love

little of my plans!

Today I will meet my sister for lunch and I really hope I take the right time and not get to early there.
Let´s see if I do that or not:)
Phone....I will get one from my sister. I don´t need to buy one:)
Thanks a lot sis.
Hope to see you later!
Peace and Love


I need a phone!
Not a mobile...but one to my home.
But there are so many to choose beteen and what is best?
I need on that I can carry with through my apartment.
Tomorrow....I will go to the stores.
Any ideas what is a good phone?
Peace and Love


In the mood to discard unnecessary things and it feels so good!
Why keep things that I don´t use?
I should do it more often!
Food time now!
Peace and Love

Good Morning!

My dear sister woke me up with a phonecall. I told that she should do that yesterday.
Waiting now on my coffee getting ready and then I will eat my breakfast.
Wonder myself why I don´t take time to make scones on the morning. It is not hard to do.
I guess it is lazy from my side and don´t want the extra dishes.
Did you know the SMILEY
has it´s birthday this month. 30 years as communication on internet.
Saw this news in my daily newspaper.
Happy Birthday Smiley!
Peace and Love


It gets darker quick these days.
Autumn is close or here allready. The cold wind.
Warmer clothes out and in with the Summer clothes.
Candles and lamps shines in every home to make it cosy and warmer.
I will make it cosy here!
See you later!
Now I am looking at Absolutely Fabulous!
Peace and Love


Sorry for the bad update.
Today is my plans to deal with my apartment. On Saturday, I get a visitor. Next weekend too but then it is my sister.
I have promised my sister it will be done til she comes so....why don´t do it now.
What is your plans today?
Funnier then mine or the same?
I will look for information for my trip that I will do soon.
What we will do and so on. I know for sure that I will shop a lot:)
See you later.
Peace and Love


Looking now on these two woman
LOVE the show.
Rainy day and lucky....when I went to the food store...sunshine.
Peace and Love


Not been at the food store yet. The borring thing is still on:(
I think I do it later tonight.
Or do I need my honey to my tea? I guess so and then it is just for me to take myself there.
Taked to my friend A in the phone and she was starting to get a cold too.
She didn´t get it from me.
See you later!
Peace and Love

Hermes bag!

To big???
Peace and Love

Different of japanese styles

Gothic Lolita
There are of course more styles;)
I am more looking after this style:
Peace and Love

Music and littlemore.

Been a hard day today.
Hope you all have a great Sunday.
Next week my update will get much better...depends what I will do;)
I hope I will meet my friend A a lot.
 Enjoy the rest of the day!
Peace and Love


Takamasa Ishihara aka Miyavi!
Peace and Love

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