Girls movie night tip

 Chicks flicks!
Peace and Love

Good Morning!

or Good morning!
Slept well?
I am free from work and my plan today is to meet my friend A and M.
First is gym
Ikea Christmas food
and last bake
Now I haveto eat some breakfast!
Peace and Love

DANCE and make it FUN!

Back again!
 Monday and my plan this day is to meet my friend A and go to the Cinema. Breaking Dawn part 2.
Let´s see if we like it:)
But now I will take care of my apartment. Some dishes, clean, laundry and making food.
Not so fun but do it with music and dance....then it is more fun.
Peace and Love


Peace and Love

Davhie Vanity!

I think Davhie Vanity is so COOL!
Peace and Love

My day!

I woke up sooooo late!
No wonder...if I am awake til 3 am then I have to sleep long. But still in my mind I want to get up early.
Are you are morning person or evening person?
I am a morning person. Doesn´t look like that when I tell you how late I am up:S
So now it is time for me to eat something
So What is your plan for this weekend?
Out and party or sit inside and cosy?
I will work so I can´t do any of these things.
Peace and Love

Good Night!

Bowling didn´t go as well as I wanted. I came on fourth place:(
Ate a really good veg dish:)
Now I will take care of my Christmas cards!
Peace and Love


As I thought...I couldn´t sleep this night.
Tired and busy day!
The only thing I can do about it is my best:)
Peace and Love

some plans

So tired today!
Work, gym and ate a salad at Paparika with my friend A!
And after that slept front of the tv. ANGRY at myself because of that. I needed to do some things tonight!
Chrismas cards doesn´t make themself ready.
Tomorrow plans is:
Try some clothes at SHOCK
Eat sushi with my friend G
And at the evening....Bowling with my old working friends:)
Hope that I can make some cards tomorrow.
Don´t forget...Sunday is the last day to send cards with Christmas stamps.
Peace and Love

Mia Skäringer!

A happy start for today!
Peaceand Love

Some thoughts!

Been to a wedding today?
I heard and read that many will do it today because of the date.
So any fun happen today?
I been working today:)
So now I will eat something and drink some coffee!!
Today I changed something in my life.
The guy was not for me.
We didn´t match at all!
So I dumped him!
I hope that he will find someone!
Peace and Love


Peace and Love


Met my friend A and after talking to her about my little I feel better.
I want to thank my sister too to make me feel better! Love you!
Now it is work!
Peace and Love


There are people for everything. Some are so unhappy and stupied. I have one who lives near my building.
Number 429(we call her that).
When I have laundrytime 8-11 then I do have to 11 but she thinks that she has the right to get it earlier.
She doesn´t care about rules. I guess she is complaining on everything!
Old and bitter!
Now I will NOT care about her! She will not take my energy anymore!
I know that this sort of people are everywhere and they think they can rule becuse they are old.
Most of the old people are nice and kind!
Peace and Love


Laundry day and then gym I hope!
Will eat some breakfast now:)
It was so hard to sleep last night. I have to do one thing and same time not hurt someone else.
If I should go on my feeling then he is not right for me.
I really hope that I he can find someone else that fits him. Sorry that it is not me
And I hope that I will find my love one day:)
Peace and Love


Educationday with my work.
I wonder why did I came in the same person that I HATE!
She is so.....MEAN! If she doesn´t like her work then quit. Don´t try to put someone else down!
She is NOT a happy person!
During that we all tryed curling:)
Difficult but so much fun:)
And after that...GYM!
Feel so good after!

Tomorrow I will go there again with my friend A.
Now I will eat something, drink coffee and start with my Christmas cards.
Peace and Love


Now I am alone again and my visitors is home again. Sad but true.
So what happen tonight
Looking at TV or DVD...that is the question:S
What will you look at?
Peace and Love


My sister and her friend is visit here in the city and ate togehter with them. Pizza!
I have a favorite called Barco spec. Yummie!
Now I will relax and look at tv. Scobby Doo 2 is on.
Peace and Love

Be friendly!

Now I waiting on my sister and her friend to come. I will work anyway and hope they I can meet them after:)
Have to do little some things with the apartment before they come.
So how is your day?
Party tonight? Home night?
Be careful with eachother and be nice:)
Peace and Love


Good Morning!
Hope you slept well!
Well let´s see if I find any music for you today;)
Hope it will be a calm Friday! Take care of eachother.
Cold day today so keep warm so you don´t get a cold.
Work now
Peace and Love

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