my plans

So tired today:( So no BodyPump for me.
Box tomorrow!!!!
So it will be relaxing today. I really have to go to the food store today. Borring.
First of all nedd the coffee!!!!
Peace and Love

Sad day!

I hoped so much that Yohio would win the contest!!! HE WAS BEST!!!!
Peace and Love

Take care!

Hope you take care of eachother when you are out and party!!!!
I should go to my friend A a short moment. A short moment can be long;)
See you tomorrow!
Peace and Love


Waiting for a call from my friend and then we will go to the gym.
While I am waiting then I thought to look at a DVD movie....but no....the machine didn´t want to find the CD.
I don´t like that at all. The machine is not so old and makes trubble allready.
Ok....this will not distroy my day!!!
Peace and Love

Good Night!

Been at my friends apartment the whole evening.
Played cardgame and won...she didn´t like that at all
My plans tomorrow....gym and that´s it so far.
Remember now that I will eat taccos with my friends A and M and her mother and the mother´s boyfriend.
It will be nice!!!
See you tomorrow!
Peace and Love

Busy tonight!

Other plans tonight:)
Soon my friend A comes here and we will eat good food:)
Playing some card games too:)
So see you tomorrow!
Peace and Love

Happy day!

Good morning!
I feel it will be a great day today:)
I hope you all get it!
Peace and Love

TV and blogs

Looking att a ghost show. I am not really for them because I get easy get scared.
So why watch???
Little curious. But I will change if it get´s to scary.

I have two blogs that I read everyday and get´s much inspiration from.
And wonder how to get this blog more intresting.
I really don´t write about nothing special. Things that I get inspiration from.
Make-up, clothes, hair and music.
Now I will drink littel coffee and change the channel and look at Harry Potter again.
See you tomorrow!
Peace and Love

HI there!

So tired today and I thought that I should go to the gym today. Now I don´t feel for it at all.
Have laundry day today today too:(
So eat something now and then gym and try to change time on te laundry.
Eat something and relax til the laundry and train tomorrow morning.
I guess more on the second thing.
Now I feel that I have to take the training seroius. If I want to get where I want then I have to do it!
So tomorrow and on Thuresday.
See you later
Peace and Love

See you tomorrow!

Bad update today too!
I hope it will get better tomorrow:)
So continue with your lovely Sunday.
Peace and Love

Bye for today!

Bad update...sorry!
See you tomorrow!
Peace and Love


Hi again!
Now I been out and did one borring thing and that is to shop food:(
It is nice to had it done.
Now I have to make some lunch.
Does this look tasty?
Peace and Love

Good Night!

Now it is time for me to sleep!
I will go to the gym tomorrow morning, if I still feel fine:)
Peace and Love


free from work and have no plans for it. Book SALE? Gym?
I will go to the gym tomorrow.

Most of all I will relax.
Plan little about the decorating the aparment. The kitchen, bedroom and the hall.
I will only do fun things:)
Peace and Love


 Peace and Love

see ya!

Sorryto say that it will be bad update during the weekend.
Have a visitor and want to spend the time with her.
See you again at Monday
Peace and Love


Good morning! 
Hope you all had a great night sleep:) I did even if Ionly slept for 6 hours.
So what is my plans today:
Take care of my apartment
Visit from my sister
That is the plan so far but that can change...depending on the weather then maybe a walk.
Yesterday it was sunny weather, but cold, and really nice to be out.
Right now it isvery cold outside -8,5° C
Peace and Love

About little things

How to make the blog more fun?
Any ideas?
Sorry that I haven´t updated today. Trying to make dinner now and I have put together the thing in the bathroom.
The only thing that I am not satisfied with is the floor in there.
So I have to put something under so it keeps steady.
Have to go!
Peace and Love

thanks for today!

Missunderstanding from my friend. Good that!
We has really nice time at my place this time. Soon ready with my apartment.
Tomorrow is the dentist who is calling. Really don´t like that all!
And after that I will go to the gym with A.
The movie last night was really good! Next weekend it will be two movies:)
Now back to the apartment and get to bed early.
Peace and Love

sad but strong

Why do I feel the way today?
Why does people makes other people feel small? I know there are people for everything.
Now I will se the postive again!
Nothing will keep me down.
Peace and Love

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