Food to the door?

Ate a really good fish dish todayat my friends apartment.
They get this food bag to their door.
Wonder if I should get that too?
I would eat much better then what I am doing now.
I really have to get better on that!
Thinking about plan dishes for a week and buy everything right away. It would be really hard to throw it all away.
Now it is time for relax.
Peace and Love


Now my dear flowers in soil and on my balcony:)

Soon I will go to my friends apartment and eat good food!


Peace and Love




Sunny day!
My plans today is to clean the apartment and then go to buy soil to my flowers.
After that my balcony will look so nice and colorful.
I don´t do this every year.
But it is nice when I do it!
Peace and Love


Been shopping flowers to my balcony today but before I can put them there...I need soil and that I will get tomorrow.
Sometimes it is hard to control the emotions.
Wonder why I feel the way I feel. Scared and nervous at the same time.
I really want to get to know him.
Hope it will disapear til tomorrow.
Tomorrow I will meet my friends again.
See you tomorrow
Peace and Love

Plans for today!

My plan today is to wait on some people that will fix the digital box.
The thing that makes me little upset is that they give a note that they come between example 10am - 01 pm and on a Saturday.
Hope they come early to me.
Then after that it will be good.
Meet my friends A and M and eat icecream from our favorite place.
And tonight pizza.
So this is my plan for today. So no party.
I know a group is playing tonight and I don´t think I can go.
Now it is time for breakfast.
Peace and Love


Weather is so nice now and spring is in the air. FINALLY!
Now I can throw in my winter jacket in the closet and hope it will not come out until November/December.
Now the summer jackets can come out.
It is not so warm yet but soon.
Now I will continue with the apartment and dring some good coffee.
See you tomorrow
Peace and Love

Gym or nor?

Thinking about to go to the gym...or should I???
First of all I need to get my apartment little better:)
See you later
Peace and Love


Like I said yesterday that it would be a bad update day.... And look. It became that:(

I slept over at my friend's apartment.
An now woke up to early.
What to do?

It is 1st day of May. And it will be full of people in the city to demonstrate of different things.
My plans is not to go there. I will relax and take it easy before work.

So let's see if I can get company to eat breakfast:)

Peace and Love



Good Morning!
Hope you all slept well:)
I have slept very good.
Have taken a shower and now drinking my coffee. and soon make the sandwish ready and the morning paper.
And I really have to take care of some bills today too.
My plans today is to meet friends and hope for a BBQ.
Maybe I can´t update so good today. I will try;)
Peace and Love

Morning Routine:)

Looked on an other Brittany Balyn´s youtube videos.
Morning routines.
 How does your morning routines looks alike?
How to explain my morning routines?
Peace and Love

Make food fun?

Waiting til my dinner gets ready:)
Pasta with meat sauce. So easy to do.
I really have to make better food and make food fun somehow.
How do you make your food fun?

And one other thing I have to get better on is to shop food for one week at the time. Much cheaper that way.
Tomorrow I will meet my new friend and later will meet my friends A and M.
Hope the weather is with us:)
I allready done that once this year at my sister´s house. SO GOOD!!!
Found this picture on Google.
Peace and Love


Trying now to update little here.
Still at my parents and we three made a little trip to a little city.
Coffee and a bun:)
And shop some food.
It is nice to spend time with them.
I feel so angry at myself that I will not be able to train this whole week:(
Did I take along my training clothes? No. My training shoes? No
My dear sister will take me out for a run....I just say OMG!
It was so long time ago that I run.
It will go slow:(
Soon it is time fot the run and soon it is time to make the dinner.
Peace and Love

Bad Update

Sorry that I didn´t update so well. I am at my parents:) And don´t know how long I will be here.

But I will try.


Peace and Love


Bad Update

Sorry that I didn´t update so well. I am at my parents:) And don´t know how long I will be here.

But I will try.


Peace and Love



Happy Birthday!
To someone that I won´t tell who!
I hope you get a great day today!
Peace and Love

Bad update today!

Education day today!
So that is why the bad update.
Some basic things about my work.
Laundry time!
Peace and Love

Bad update today!

It will be a bad update day today....I will do my best anyway.
My plans today is to go and shop in the city and then go to my sister and take care of her cute kids.
Peace and Love

Plans for today!

Today I will meet my friend A before she do her trip.
And then go to the gym with my friend M.
I really have to talk to my sister about tomorrow too.
That is my plans for today.
Peace and Love

City is calling

Will meet my friend today and go in the city. Let´s see if I shop something;)
I don´t have any more plans for today.
I wish I had but...sorry no.
It will be a bad update day.
Peace and Love


Pin Up girls

Pictures on Pin Ups girls is beautiful. That is what I think anyway.
Here is some of them:)
Dita Von Teese is a nice Pin Up girl
Peace and Love

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