Time for shake some ass!!

Have a GREAT DAY u all!
I will have that!!!!



Work Party!

Now I got the clothes to the party!!!!

Pink corset, black short skirt with pink strings, black boots!
(I changed the strings from red to pink)
Sound nice doesn't it?


Jimmy Choo!

I was there but I was 2 from to be the 160 person to come in the special section! Damn!
But I got what I wanted anyway through H&M Internet site! A pair of shoes!

I bet many of u where there too! And I hope everone got what they wanted! Now I think about to get a pair more....hmmmm...cost much but this is a chance to get it!

Hmmm.....lot to think about but still I have to think fast before they are sold out!

After 12 pm that day.....I came finally in the section and helped my sister to get some things.


Have a Nice day!


Friday the 13:th!

Bad luck day! Or do u believe in that???? I don't!
Because today my sister comes to me and we gonna have so much fun!
She is my BEST friend!
It is our shopping weekend! I hope I find what I am looking for!

Have a NICE day!
I will have a PERFECT day today!

Peace & Love!

Hi there!

Christmas is soon here. It shows in every shopwindow now anyway.
It becomes earlier and earlier for every year and every shop want to be the first one.
When I was in the food store.....even there I found Christmas things.
I think it distroy little the christmas spirit. When it becomes christmas, then u are tired on it.

This weekend H&M will start to sell things from the designer Jimmy Choo. I bet it will many there when the doors are opening.

Have a nice day!
I will have it!



Read this blogg!


Hi there!

What should I write about today?????
I been working all day so nothing really happend.

Grey and dark outside. Dark when I go to work and dark when I come home from work.
It changes really quickly now.
Now I wish for litte snow that light things up.

My work will have soon a workparty. I dont know what else I should call it. Dinner, entertainment and dance.
Now I don't have a clue to wear.....
I want something new and really...something like me.
I got web adresses from my sister with clothes. Really NIZE clothes!
My hair.....
I just say that I get my inspiration from Bill(Tokio Hotel), Miyavi and the drummer in D=OUT!

A new TV-show that is on TV now is about the Shopping Center ULLARED. First time I see it...
There are a lot of talk about it, so I thought I have to see it once anyway.

So long!
See u!

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