Jimmy Choo!

I was there but I was 2 from to be the 160 person to come in the special section! Damn!
But I got what I wanted anyway through H&M Internet site! A pair of shoes!

I bet many of u where there too! And I hope everone got what they wanted! Now I think about to get a pair more....hmmmm...cost much but this is a chance to get it!

Hmmm.....lot to think about but still I have to think fast before they are sold out!

After 12 pm that day.....I came finally in the section and helped my sister to get some things.


Have a Nice day!


Postat av: cicci

nize shoes!!!

2009-11-16 @ 08:15:00
URL: http://cmecicci.blogg.se/
Postat av: cicci

so who isnt writing every day ;)

2009-11-19 @ 07:33:45
URL: http://cmecicci.blogg.se/
Postat av: cicci

Come on!!

Write something new! I want to hear more about Visual kei!

2009-11-20 @ 10:08:32
URL: http://cmecicci.blogg.se/
Postat av: cicci


2009-11-23 @ 15:58:58
URL: http://cmecicci.blogg.se/
Postat av: cicci

something new about your style and music... I know there is.



2009-11-25 @ 07:59:03
URL: http://cmecicci.blogg.se/

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