Want but cant!

I feel for shopping today but cant. Why does it happen when I have to get to work.....????

I want some clothes and a new pair of Converse shoes.

Next week I will be at Miyavi concert in Stockholm. I love his music!
Prepare a own-made sweater to wear!

What more.....
Book trade fair is next week too. I been there two years in a row but this year I will miss it.
Hope u others go for me! It is Gothenburg in Svenska Mässan. (24-27 Sept)

So long!

Postat av: Cicci


I want to shop as well.

I want red Sneaky Steve shoes:)

and white converce:)

2009-09-15 @ 14:03:09
URL: http://cmecicci.blogg.se/

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