Little about nothing...really

Rainy rainy rainy day!
Fourth day of my holiday. It didn´t ruin my day.
Spend almost my whole day with my sister. She is GREAT!
Helped her in their house...or her boyfriends house;)
(knows that he reads my blog too)
Sitting here in my old room and wonder if I should start to read a new book or should I give the old book a chance more.....
Really want to come into reading much.
Maybe I should start like I did before. Borrowed books in the library, but this time I have my library at home.
I have so many books that I want to read.
There are so many things I want to start again...
I draw a lot before....I really want to be good again with that. These days I only draw clothes and not persons.
Gym....Hope I can start after my holiday;)
So now it is time for good night!
see you tomorrow!
Peace and Love


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