CMeCicci here as well...

Ive heard from other blogs that they invide people to guest blog in their blogs.
so here I am.

while Shoxx are talking some time off, Im helping her to update her blog.
now I wonder..should I talk about her subjects or should I be me...

I belive that I will write about something we got in common...and music and fashion are two things...
ok here we go!

* * * * * * * * *

our fashion styles and music are a bit different, even if we are twins.
she has two kind of styles in the fashion way as she said herself
one which is more classic and beautiful

tank tops, cardigans, tight pants, HEELS, dresses
think Victoria Beckham and that is pretty much the style.
I guess her favourite item here is the shoes. talk later about shoes

and the other one...rock-emo-visual kei...anyway the other style is things like red/black or pink/black stripes, hoodie, tight jeans (I guess grey is the colour of her favourites) and converse. pink, black or red details.
dont have any picture of this though...

Back to the Shoes!
Ive known my twin pretty well and shoes is something that she really loves..was on my way to say likes there, but she loves shoes. and its heels we talking about.

her intrest in heels came around -97 and the Spice girls were famous.
she really liked Posh spice and her shoes...though the shoes Posh used in the beginning...I guess they arent her favourites these two

perhaps Im wrong but now to the parade of shoes
Victoria Beckham style and Posh style
higher shoes these days

so her way towards the heels..
she got some..I dont know how many pairs of heels...

Dash-style is a site that sells shoes of different brands (very well made copies)
she got one pair allready

but there are more heels on this site she would LOVE to have

it is heels for her, that she loves though she wears flats mostly..still

me on the other hand ..yes I like heels though my style is pretty different
for sneakers (like the converse) I rather like shoes like this

though Sneaky Steve has stoped to do women shoes (DAMN)

and I really like Jeffrey Campell

though there have to be a pair of real favourite ;) though I like every Jeffrey shoe like these above.

Im realistic and realise that I dont have occasions to have heels with narrow heels (though heels over all :( )
but I guess heels like Jeffrey would work.
not to drive in though...

so when it comes to this site of brands...then there are bags easier for me to use
like Vuitton <3

see u l8er


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