January 2:nd

Hello my dear readers! It been a lovely day today. Still home at my parents and eat a lot of good food mum makes to me. Tomorrow we will make a little daytrip but I don´t know where yet. We deside that tomorrow. When I come home to my own place I have a lot to do. A package is waiting for me to get picked up. Have to get a new passport Find information for my trip and buy tickets and much more...... I wonder where I will dig up that time to do that. This evening I spend time with my wonderful twinsister C and her boyfriend. Ate taccos and chocolate after. Taccos can be really tastefull but not always. This time was so GOOD! That is a dish I can´t eat often. New Years resolutions? I guess I have the normal stuff that I have every year and every year I break them. And even then I try them again this year. Do you have any? Time to get into bed now! PEACE AND LOVE SHOXX


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