
 Peace and Love


Working so I can´t update today so good!
Peace an Love

AMI Club wear

 Peace and Love


 Peace and Love


Shopping little on the net on H&M. Been thinking a lot of the things they got.
I did get a order from my sister too.
and my sister will have:
When I buy something on the net, then I really want it right now. I guess that is the feeling for everyone:)
Now I have to get ready for the birthday dinner:)
Peace and Love


 Peace and Love

Celine Dion

 LOVE this song!
Peace and Love


I woke so late today. I thought to get up at 6 am and got up at 7.30am.
I had so many plans today but I guess I have to do them faster;)
Birthday dinner today later  tonight. New friend and really nice friend:)
Peace and Love

Gym and Love

Back home again after the gym.
Feel so good. A lot of abs and back.
Next time will be on Friday.
I talked to two of my sisters today about the thing I should do this weekend.
Meeting this guy<3
I hope it will be great and feel right. I really want to find a person that I will spendthe rest of my life with.
I am little tired of beeing alone, but at the same time. I rather to be alone then with a bad person.
How did you find your lucky one?
Now I have to eat something!
Peace and Love


Hope you all slept well! I did anyway:)
Eating my breakfast now and after that will be the gym.  Will go there alone and it is little borring then. Not to talk to someone but also it can be positive.Then I can work our really hard.
Me and my sister was at the gym this weekend and she showed my some really good stuff. Not easy but effective.
She been doing this much longer then me so she is stronger then me.
Let´s see if I can make 500;)
See you later!
Peace and Love

Good start!

 Peace and Love

Good Night!

Now it is time for bed!
Peace and Love

Abs with Jillian!

 Peace and Love

Back again!

Had my sister here this weekend and the update is not so good then.
So today she left back home again.
Little nervous now about if I should meet this guy or not. I don´t want to miss the chance and the same time it is very early. He comes from an other city too so we don´t live close either:(
Many things to think on.
 New music from Miyavi! :D
Peace and Love


Waiting on my dear sister but have to get my apartment ready.
So let´s start the music and shake it little!
Peace and Love

Clothes inpsiration!

Good Morning!
Slept well! started my day with music and then continued with Harry Potter again. Today my sister will come here to visit. Wonder if we will go out in the city tomorrow ans shop a lot.
Hope that I will find what I am lookng for.
I will show you some things that I want:)
Will go to the store and try them anyway. Don´t want to buy something onlie and it doesn´t fit at all.
Peace and Love


 Peace and Love

Good night!

Home again!
Been away with my friend A.
Sleep well!
See you tomorrow!
Peace and Love

Have a great day!

Eating my breakfast now and realax. Looking at Harry Potter:
Today I will go to the gym with my friend and after and spend the whole evening with her.
She will travel for a ski trip for a week with her family. sad that I couldn´t go with:(
Next year we may do our own trip there:) Hope I can bring someone special with me. Trying to look after him.
Otherwise I have my special friend who always go with me. You know who you are.
Have to get ready.
Peace and Love

Make Up Inspiration

Sad that she doesn´t do the eye make up too:(
Peace and Love

can´t sleep!

Chatting with my sister all evening. Now I am clear awake. Can I sleep now?
What do you do when you can´t sleep?
Good night!
Peace and Love

Decorate and Ski!

Try to deal with my apartment again.
Really want some new things in it. But don´t know where to get them.
been talking to my friend about a ski trip that I may do next year. So now I have to plan if I should get the thing to that too like:
Hope you all have great day!
Peace and Love


How are you today?
Want Spring and Summer to come soon! I really want the heat now. Nowdays it is only cold:(
I want to wear my spring coat and now that I am thinking about it...I need it cleaned.
Typical it is only dry clean only. Have to find a good one.
And then I have to fic my heels on my ankle boots. Nowdays I have two pair of a ankle boot.
My new pair look like this one:)
One thing I look forward to the Summer is the festival I will go to. Found a a youtube video on a festival that I wished I was on.
Have a great day!
Peace and Love

Exercise at home:)

 Peace and Love

Make Up Inspiration

 Peace and Love


 Peace and Love


Back again:)
Wonder how your Monday has been?
I had a great one. Gym and Cafe. Did that mix?
I will feel in my belly tomorrow. Will train everyday something for it. I found a youtube video that I will try to do.
But sorry that I can´t share it with you:(
Let´s see if I can find something else for you.
 Now it is time for bed!
Peace and Love

GYMand coffee

Feel so good now after the gym.
It was so many people there today. New Year resolutions maybe?
I will try to go there more at the mornings.
Soon I will go out and take a coffee in the city.
I guess me and my friend need it.
Peace and Love


Have to eat something now and then go to the gym with my friend A.
See you later!
 Peace and Love


 Peace and Love


Back tomorrow!
 Peace and Love

Make Up Inspiration

 Peace and Love


 Peace and Love


Hope you have a great weekend. I could have a better to be free from work;) But but....that is not the facts.
Lucky that I work with people that I like very much.
So what is your plan?
Party? Or do you wait til, next weekend?
Wonder if my sister want to go out?
Little Make up Inspiration
 Peace and Love

Good morning!

 Peace and Love


 Peace and Love


Hope you all had and have a great day.
It was a calm day at work. It is nice sometimes to have it but not to calm.
 Little music!
Continue to have great day!
Peace and Love


 Peace and Love

Some nice abs;)

I really want my training to pay off soon. I know it takes time til I get there.
Here comes inspiration!
Peace and Love


Hi there!
Still feeling in my pain muscles and wonder if I should go to the gym and at the same time it can be the lazyness talking. Wonder if lazyness is a word? Still you understand what I mean:)
Woke up middle of the night and couldn´t sleep again. I guess I was awake in two hours.
But now I am clear awake:)
So how is your day today?
What is your plan?
I will work today and over the weekend and the update will not be so good. I just want you to know.
Some make up inspiration!
Peace and Love


 Peace and Love

Good night!

So tired! Really want to go to bed right now but feel at the same time that it is to early.
It is only 9pm.
I will not write anything more today anyway.
See you tomorrow!
Peace and Love


Laundry is done and it is so nice to have clean clothes again. Now I can train in my good sweaters again.
My plan to go to the gym tomorrow. Today I feel i my muscles and I will let them relax and build up today.
I want flatter abs.
But which one is looking the best?
The last picture is on a guy(I know) but I like his abs. It is Yu Phoenix.
Peace and Love


 Peace and Love

Body Pump!

How could I forget how hard BodyPump is? Still very fun but I will feel it tomorrow.
Planning to go to the gym on Thursday am. Wonder if I get my friend with on that;)
Tomorrow it is a early morning with washing clothes. BORRING!
I have to old ladies that think it is ok to take other´s time.VERY WRONG!
But I don´t want to fight so...I let them be. Only if I get my clothes clean and dry.
I guess I am not the oonly one who has this problem.
Laundry room is the most fights about I guess.
Peace and Love


And a movie tip!
Peace and love

Body Pump!

Body Pump today is my plan and I will do it with my friend M.
Like it and it is a really good instructor today. Next week I will miss it:(
I want to start Body Balance, Body Combat, Body Vive, Box,  Core, CXWORX, Kettlebell, Zumba Fitness and Zumba Toning. It is to much, I know but I hope I will find my favorites.
Do you have any favorite?
See you later!
Peace and Love

Project Runway season 10!

Yesterday Project Runway was on TV.
They had the challengewith candy. And some did so good with it!
Here comes my top 3
Dmitry Sholokhov
Ven Budhu(winner)
Sonjia Williams
Peace and Love

Make Up Inspiration

Had a really bad nightmare.
Not that I will bring it up here but it was bad and scary.
Have to think about something else now.
Here comes a makeup inspiration!
 See you later!
Peace and Love


We start the day with music!
 Peace and Love

Project Runway season 10!

Finally it shows on TV!
Much better then the Swedish Project Runway. Sorry to say that but that is what I think.
This is a season I never seen , so I am looking so forward to see every show.
Wonder if I will find a favorite;)
The winner here is Dmitry Sholokhov. Wonder if he is the best or do I like someone else.
See you tomorrow!
Peace and Love

work out and music!

Back again!
Been at the gym and worked really hard! Feel so good now.
Took a lot for the abs.
Now I will eat something:)
 Peace and Love


Monday and I am free from work:)
Will go later to the gym with A. And that is my only plan today.
Here comes inspiration for you!
 And music
 Peace and Love

Bad day for update!

Slept over at my friend A.
And today I will work again! Tomorrow I will be back(I hope)
Peace and Love

See you tomorrow!

Been away to shop some food. Not so fun but I did it with my friends A and M.
I think I will go to them later and be there all evening.
Play some games and look at a movie.
See you tomorrow!
Now I have to eat something before I go!
Peace and Love


 Peace and Love

Getting ready!

It went really good at the gym today!
A half bowl of candy tomorrow so far;)
Have to get ready for tonight:)
What to wear?
Thinking about a black tank top, my new bolero jacket with pearls and jeans.
And my necklace that I use to have I guess and and a new ring.
My is cold now outside so the hat will be on. Don´t like it but it is a must.
I don´t want to get a cold now.
Be carefull with eachother
Peace and Love

Project Runway!

On Monday Project Runway season 10 starts!!
New season that I have never seen!
Hope to find a designer thatI like there. My INSPIRATION show is ON AGAIN!
Peace and Love

Make Up Inspiration

Good morning! I hope you slept well and longer then me.
I guess 6 hours is ok.
My plans today is GYM and AW and both is with my friend A.
I get much inspiration from Miyavi´s makeup. He did more before with colors then he do now.
Here comes some pics on him
Hope to see you later!
Peace and Love


 Peace and Love

Good start!

I am thinking about making a good start of the year an one thing is to give back things that I have borrowed. Send in mail or give personal.
Sorry to say that some of the people is not friends with me anymore. Friends or friends...what is a friend?
I have start to get in touch with some of them more.
But now it is bed time.
Hope to see you tomorrow.
Peace and Love


Back home and no gym today. Tomorrow with my friend A and later AW.
It was long time ago I was at a AW. I will be with my friend so it will be fun.
Drink some wine or maybe a beer. Let´s see what I want to try;)
Wonder if I can get a Strawberry daiquiri. I have heard a lot about them but never tasted.
Peace and Love


Found a beautiful picture on Pamela Anderson on google.
I think so anyway!
Black/white makes pictures really nice!
Peace and Love


Hope you all have a great day.
Soon I will meet my friend A and eat out at
Have really good food and  if you love meat...then you love it!
Hope that I write little tonight!
Peace and Love


 Peace and Love

no update!

Still working! So tired now!
see you tomorrow!
Peace and Love


 Peace and Love

Make Up Inspiration

Last for today!
Working still!
Peace and Love

Barbie looking!

Clothes, hair and makeup inspiration!
Peace and Love


 Hope my sister can help me to get it;)
Peace and Love


Start with music!
 Peace and Love


 See you tomorrow!
Peace and Love


First day of the week and working.
For many people is Monday the hardest day of the week and that it perhaps because of it is the first day after weekend.
Maybe we should think the the week start an other day.
Som some calenders it starts with Sunday. Is that better?
We will continue with make up inspiration here
and I some music I been waiting for!
Hope it comes out soon!
 Peace and Love


So far so good, no cold.
Here is a beutiful picture on Reita in the Gazette. He is my favorite in that group.
He plays bas in the band. If you haven´t heard the badn before...listen!
Peace and Love

Today plans and make up!

Sitting here in my sofa and continue looking at Absolutely Fabulous
Feeling like it is a cold it´s way. I eally don´t have time to get sick now:(
So no gym today:(
Will continue to take care of my apartment.

Will start to work today so it will be bad update this clostest days.
Here comes a make up inspiration video
 Hope to see you later!
Peace and Love

Good morning!

We start the morning with music!
 Peace and Love

Good Night!

If you are out and PARTY...take it easy and be nice to eachother!
Peace and Love


Wonder where I have been?

Been home all day and trying to get my apartment nize! Doing not so well:(
But I have some hours left now til the night:)
DVD is on still and Absolutely Fabulous is still on too:)
Wonder if my sister will come online on chatt?
Peace and Love


Thinking about what to write today.
Eaten breakfast and drank my nice glas of coffee and read the newspaper.
Good start of the day.
Looking at Absolutely Fabulous on DVD.
Have to deal with my apartment today and that is not so funny.
Will look for a external hard drive on the net. Let´s see if I find something there. I am not a expert on that area.
And I am looking for some presents. I want to give the perfect gift but still I don´t know how to get it.
I can´t tell here what it is becuse the persons may read this.
See you later
Peace and Love


Peace and Love


Me and my sisterwill go to see them!!!
 See you there!
Peace and Love


So nice to done the training. Thinking about going there on Sunday again. Wonder if A want to fallow with.
Next week I can start to train on Thuresday if I don´t do it between work.
I really want to get in shape fast and only thing I can do is go there.
Eat good and train.
Today I took the usually machines.
I wish I had this kind of gym close
And I wish I had a gym close that had open 24 hours a day.
Peace and Love


Here comes my totally favorite artist!
Peace and Love

Hi! now it is Friday!

Friday....and don´t have any plans for it.
One plan is going to the gym with A and M but that is later.
Before that...I don´t know. Or I ahve some things that I need to do but those are not so funny at all.
I only want to relax today.
What is your plan for today? Going out? relaxing home?
Peace and Love


 Peace and Love


Back home again!
Planning to not buy anything today...I came home with these
I needed a new pair of gym shoes and the to walk in them.
If you have tried them..then you know what I am talking about.
Wonder if I will walk in Berlin with them this year;)
Now it is laundry time:(
Peace and Love

Cleaning day!

Soon I will meet my friend A and we will eat at Paprika.
If you like salad...then try that place! We love it!
So after that I will take careofmy apartment and my laundry. Not so fun but if I listen to some music or have a movie on...then it is funnier.
I wish that I didn´t have to do them but they don´t do it by themself either.
Take care
Peace and Love

Trends and shoes

Woke up at 4 AM and couldn´t sleep again. Grr
So now I been up since then.
Read in the paper what will be in trends for 2013 and one of them was in fashion.
Heels will be like a lot
Got this a similar pair like this
Love them! Hope it will stop raining and not will icey on the ground. Who want to slip in these?
Will I be in the trend then?
I really don´t fallow the trend. I look at it and take the things that fits me and my style. I guess we all do that.
Peace and Love


 Peace and Love


Working out at the gym! Feel so GREAT after done that:)
Crosstraining, stomach, arms and legs. I guess I took the whole body this time.
I will go there again on Friday. Maybe on a pass then....
Let´s see what they have on Friday:Body Pump and Sh´Bam.
I think it will be Gym again.
Have to eat something now!
Peace and Love


Peace and Love

Model for a day?

Got a phone call from a business that told me that I was shoosen to be a model for a day.
Make up and photo taking for free. Sound really good...doesn´t it?
I have tried it before and I didn´t like it all.
First of have to bring your own clothes and shoes there. No borrow there!
You have to do your own hair. They don´t fix that!
The make up artist don´t ask you how you want it. They just do a makeup on you.
(I didn´t like mine)
And to the photos....terrible.
They tell you how to stand and how to move in different poses. And when I look at every photo afterward...OMG!
They don´t take the best pictures and I could take a lot of them away right away.
And the last thing they don´t tell on the phone is how much the pictures costs.
They are now cheap.
I guess they make better if you pay them for the whole thing.
When it is free then they don´t put a lot of energy to make it good.
So this is a little warning from me to you.
Peace and Love

Littlemake up!

Hi again!
Looking at Project Runway now and the show is so good and gives a lot! To me anyway:)
Will eat something and drink my coffee(of course). How do you like your coffee? Latte? Cuppuchino?
I have not been at the gy, yet but I will go there:)
I have a New Year´s Resolution and I really want to make it!
It gives me closer to one of my goals. Lucky me I have my sister that do the sam with me. We support eachother.
Do you have any resolutions?
Here comes some make up inspiration
 Peace and Love


 Peace and Love

Good Morning!

 Hope you all slept well!
My plan today is relax and go to the gym with my friends A and M:)
See you later!
Peace and Love


First day of the year!
Still working and can write more tomorrow.
Peace and Love

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