Good Morning!

Rainy morning but that will not distroy my day!

My plans for today is eat lunch with my sister and just relax...some shopping maybe?
Now I am looking at Absolutely Fabulous. Love that!

See you later today!

Peace and Love


Nighty night!

Been out all day and ate a good sallad with my friend A.
Free tomorrow.....what will I do?
Eat lunch with my sister maybe

See you tomorrow!

Peace and Love


Back home again!

Zumba is really fun. I just have to learn it better ;)

Now I will put on some music and dance to it.

See you later!

Peace and Love


Have a great day!

Have to go!
See you tomorrow!

Peace and Love


Nighty night!

Tomorrow I will visit my sister´s family and go to ZUMBA!

Let´s see if I get the time to write but otherway we will meet the day after.

Peace and Love


hi again!

Been eaten some ice cream now with my friend.
She will come to me later and we will make dinner together.

Maybe I will come backin here later or maybe tomorrow.
Tomorrow I will take Zumba class with my sister :)

See ya!

Peace and Love


Pic 4 2 day!

Peace and Love


Sunday with no sun!

No ice cream today! :(

My friend A will come over to me later today. Long time ago we where at my apartment, often we are at her apartment.

See you maybe later!

Peace and love


good morning!

Let´s see what will happen today. Will it be ice cream or not?

See you later

Peace and Love


Nighty night

Time to go to bed. I hope you all party people take care of eachother.

Been at my friends apartment and ate dinner.
See you tomorrow!

Peace and Love


Good morning!

Lovely morning!
Waking up and the sun is shining!
Have eaten breakfast and now will take a walk!

Later today I will meet my friend A and her boyfriend, her brother and the borther´s girlfriend. Feeling little like the third wheel. My friend don´t say that so I hope it will not become that.

I may tell you later how it became.

Peace and Love


Movie time!

Not to much to see in I put on my DVD instead. Spirited Away! Love that movie!

See you tomorrow!

Peace and Love





What will happen today. I think I will relax. So tired after my working days.
Looking at Americas Nex Top Model now. It is pretty fun to look at but I like Project Runway much better.

Been talking to my dear sister today or two of my dear sisters today.
We will have a sister-weekend. 4 girls as we are. FUN!
Let´s see where we will be.

See you later

Peace and Love



Here again!

Inspiration pic for to day!

Have to go out for a walk!

Peace and Love



Work work!
Weekend free sp then it will be little more writing.
My plans for the weekend is to help a good friend to renovating her apartment.
And eat some Lejonet & Björnen icecream!

See you tomorrow!

Peace and Love

good night!

See you tomorrow!

Peace and Love


Fashion icon!

Love his music and his fashion!

and much more!

Peace and Love


Good Morning!

What are you plans for today?

I thought to take care of my apartment and work little. Maybe go out for a walk. Let see what the weather will bring.
Now I will eat som breakfast!

Peace and Love


Inspiration 4 2 day!

Peace and Love



So nice to be out.
Ate a nice salad with my dear sister and forgot to take a photo on it. Typical.

Now I am on way back home. And I will take a walk home.
I will not be lazy today:)

See u later.

Peace and Love


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