Good morning!

I hope you all have a SUNNY day as me. Feel forbeeing out all day. Let´s see if I do that ;)

Eat some lunch with a friend and after that I have to shop some food.
Now it is time for work again.

See you later!

Peace and Love

Movies tonight!

Looking at the movie "Leap year" now with Amy Adams. Sweet and little funny.

and then after that comes the movie "House of Wax" with Paris Hilton

Let´s see if I can watch the whole movie.

Peace and Love!




Made a fast order on H&M and I think one person will be little mad at me now.
But I will promise her to make more if she want to be with.

This is what I order:

and one little gift to my sister. I just hope it will fit her well.

See you tomorrow!


Peace and Love



Back home again!

Been a GREAT weekend with my dear sisters!

Tell you maybe more later!

Now I will just relax rest of the day!

Peace and Love


Back here!

Sitting here in the kitchen and write.

Been out for a little trip and ate so much. Now I can wait til BBQ tonight.
The weather is so grey now and rain is in the air. But still I am in a pretty good mood.

Maybe see you later

Peace and Love


hi there!

Good morning!
It will be a lovely weather here again! Sun is shining and I am happy!
Today I will shop some things to me and my sisters weekend. We will go to a SPA!
First time for me and I wonder what treatments they have. Massage is not bad.

I hope you all get a great day like me!

Peace and Love


Nighty night!

Time to go to bed.
Tomorrow it will be a little trip again with my parents and on the evening...BBQ!! So good!
I got my mushroomes and my whole corncubs and of course som meat.

Can a girl get to much shoes? I don´t think so.
I want these:

do you think they all remind you of something?

This may be the answer

Christian Louboutin

so far I got these

These Victoria Beckham has!

see you tomorrow!

Peace and Love



Time to go out in the lovely weather again!

will fix some things!

Peace and love


see ya!

Coffee time with daddy!

Peace and Love


Good morning

Sitting here in my sisters old bedroom and her computer on my lap.
Wish that I had my own. My next computer will be a laptop. So easy take along on the trips I make.

My plans for today.
Help my parents in the garden, take care of the dog J and later spend time with my sister CMeCicci.
I bet you have seen her blogs?
Look at them too!

So maybe see you later! I hope so anyway!

Peace and Love

shopping time!

Back home again and my hair is so nice now!
Love it!
Everytime I go to my hairstylist...I get so happy. She knows what I really want and I get it.

Spring is here and the trees get´s their green colours. I really want Summer to come. To have lighter clothes and dresses.
I have to get new pants....I am thinking about some other colours...light blue or light green or why not light pink.
Let´s see what I will bring home after my shopping trip with my parents.

Have to go!

Peace and Love

Have a sunny day!

I will cut my hair today!
Looking so forward to it.

Then later a trip with my parents somewhere....let´s see where the car will take us.

Now I have take the dog out for a walk!

see you maybe later!

Peace and Love



At my parents and enjoy my free days from work.
Spend some time with my twinsister too.

Sisters weekend soon and we will be on a SPA. Nice!!!

See you maybe later or tomorrow. Let´s see if I can borrow a computer.
Wish now for a own laptop.

Peace and Love


Movie and be kind!

Looking at this movie again! I can see it over and over and over again!

See you tomorrow!

Be KIND to eachother and DON`T hurt somebody!

Peace and Love


Work work work!

Worked today again!
Tired and now have to grab something to eat!

See you later!

Peace and Love


be nice!

been working and now making dinner.

I hope you had a great Friday and party calm and be nice to eachother. Don´t hurt someone else.

See you tomorrow or later!

Peace and Love


Hi and goodbye!

See ya tomorrow!

Peace and Love


Good morning rainy day!

Laundry day today :(
Why can´t clothes just get clean by themself?

Time for my first coffee now!
Will listen to some music or look at Absolutely Faboulous on DVD....hmmmm.....we can make both today :D

Come back later!

Peace and Love


See you tomorrow!

Time for bed!

Look at Miss Secret Agent 2. Fun to look at but not the best movie.

be good to eachother!

Peace and Love



I have found some shoes that is really cool!

Peace and Love


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