better but not ok

Feeling little better so it may be easier for me to update more today.
Not that nothing will happen when I am home but I can write little about music or fashion....let´s see what I can dig up.

Looking at Project Runway and it is a replay of course. I still get so much inspiration by the whow.

Will write more about that later!

Peace and Love


Love this song with Nicki Minaj!

That song makes me dance!
can´t do it now because of the flu:(

Peace and Love


R.I.P Donna Summer!

Peace and Love


see you later!

I think I got the flu :(
Have to sleep and relax a lot and I am so sorry that I can´t write here at the same time.

Take care!

Peace and Love



Looking at their site again!
And of course found some things that I liked.

Here is some of them ;)

Looking around!

Peace and Love


getting sick? hope not!

Problems with the throat and it just gets worse!
Lucky that you can´t hear me;)

Today I will just take care of myself and getting better.
Just eat some lunch with my friend A.

See you later!

Peace and Love


see ya!

Sleepy sleepy!
Coffee Coffee!
Grey day Grey day!

Hope it will be better tomorrow!
With sun and not tired. Thinking about getting flowers to the balcony tomorrow. Let´s see what I can find.

Peace and Love



Laundry day again! Borring again! a must...yes :(
I haven´t found a funnier way yet to do that. I tell you when I get that!

Ever heard about
A friend of mine told me about it and I have to look closer on that site.
She loved it!

I will just relax today. Myabe draw some clothes later.

See you later!

Peace and Love


Working a lot again!

See you more next week!

Peace and Love



Hello everyone out there!
I hope you all had fun last night! And will have fun tonight too!

And I hope you all runners today do their best! I will NEVER do that! I don´t like to run at all.
Many say that and in the beginning it is borring but after a few times and you feel the time is better and you can run is more fun. Then you want just to make it better.
One other training form that I DON´T like is spinning. Tried it twice....NEVER again!
But I do like some other trainings form like gym, swimming, Body Pump, Zumba, Body Balance, Yoga.
Kettle/Box and Kettlebell is two I really want to try.
But first of all I have to get the gym card;) and I will take it soon.

But today I will work.

Now I have to get ready!
Maybe see you later!

Peace and Love


Last update 4 2 day!

Looking at the movie Julie & Julia with Amy Adams and Meryl Streep.
Cute movie!

I want to say that take care of eachother this weekend.

Peace and Love


I want new shoes!

So far I get this:

My sister got a pair cool shoes the other day. This pair:

It is a bit different between the designers.

Should order a pizza now!

Peace and Love


Good Morning!

It´s looking it will not be a sunny day and I hope it will be not rainy either. I guess for a grey day.
Wonder when the heat and Summer will come?

Now it is breakfast time!

See you later!

Peace and Love


See ya!


Peace and Love


Looking for a dress!

to my sister!
And here is some of my ideas

Some of these she seen and some of them she allready said no to, but still I want to show you this.

Now I will watch TV or listen to some music and shake it little.

Peace and Love


Rainy day!

Rain rain rain!
Laundry day and typical my laundry room is in an other building.
I hope it gets better tomorrow. I free day from work for me and some shopping on my list.

come back later!

Peace and Love



Have you heard about that you can change color for 1 day?
Read it in a magazine.

Called Color bug.


Myaybe I will try it one day.

Peace and Love


Here a short time again!

I want to thank my twin sister for the video.
Twins are always twins and NOTHING can take the connetion they have for eachother.
Twins are not like sister and older/younger is something just twins knows.
I always has my BEST friend with me! LOVE!

Peace and Love


work work work!

Working some days now and then it is not easy to update this blog as often.
I will try my best to update!

Work day today.
Meeting with the work later.

Now I will go and eat some food.

See you later or see you tomorrow!

Peace and Love



"Beware of half-truths, you may have got hold of the wrong half"

Peace and Love


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