Have a great evening!

Hope you all have a great day.
My day was good and the best was to meet my friend C. We didn´t plan it so it was like a suprise.
Ate ice cream and talked a lot.
Then after I went to the food store and bought some Red Bull, milk and strawberries.
And now ....is there nothing on TV tonight?
Nothing good anyway.
Let´s see if I find any good DVD.
Are you scared of any animal?
I hate spiders.
I just saw one and I pushed it down from my window to the ground. Lucky it was outside.
And I don´t live at the first floor. A bit of a travel for the spider.
See you tomorrow.
Peace and Love

Good Morning!

Feels like it will be a WONDERFUL Sunday!
I hope you all get that too!
See you later!
Peace and Love

See you tomorrow!

Different hairstyles that I have tried.
Some of them anyway;)
and my hair looks like this now:
Love to test my hair with different colors.
And here is two styles that I want to try but do I dare????
Peace and Love


Now I am looking at Pirates of Caribbean: At World´s end.
Sending at the same time all the photos I been taken with my friend M to her.
It was not just one ;)
Start now to wake up and now it is late of the day.:(
My sister and her boyfriend is away so I can´t talk to her.
My other friend A is away with her boyfriend so I can´t meet them either.
I don´t have any problems to be alone...I always find out things to do.
Anything fun in your plan today?
Peace and Love

relaxing day!

Woke up pretty late :D
And late for me is 9 am. Not for other maybe.
The perfect time for me to wake is 7 am. Love that time and the feeling to have the whole day in font of me.
Today I will relax and watch TV or DVD and music. Start with Pirates of Caribbean.
The weather here is grey, grey and grey.
See you later!
Peace and Love

Youtube 4 2 day!

Nice for beach!
Peace and Love


Been tired so I slept little.
But now it is time for some Red Bull and Inglourious basterds on TV. Have you seen it?
Good or bad?
It is my first time to see it anyway.
See you tomorrow!
have a great Friday!
Peace and Love


Back again!
My dear friend went back home. Had a lot of fun!
Now I am looking at Spirited Away on DVD. Love that movie.
See you later today!
Peace and Love

typical me!

Thought wrong about the time. Slept only 4 hours.
Find out now that I could slept longer....at least  one hour more.
Let´s see if I go to bed again ;)

Have to get the apartment ready for my visit first!
Peace and Love

See you soon again!

I am still up but need to get into bed for some hours.
My friend comes and it will be bad update on this blog then. Sorry:(
Peace and Love

Some plans!

My friend comes to me tomorrow and stays to Saturday!
She comes with her kids. Like them too!
We will have so much fun!
We don´t meet often but we know where we have eachother. We support eachother.

Looking at Van Helsing now!
Peace and Love

Victoria Beckham

The first time I saw Victoria Beckham as a style icon was when she was in Spice girls.
Really loved her clothes and specially her shoes;)
And she has kept on doing the stylish fashion that I love!
Here is some pictures on Spice Girls and the clothes that I like Victoria is wearing.
Now a new picture on the Spice Girls and I still feel that Victoria is a true Fashion Icon!
Peace and Love

clean and wash!

So tired!

Have to clean the apartment and wash clothes today. Borring!
Special when the weather is so sunny.
Maybe I will be out on my balcony for a little while. Want some colour on my skin;)
Lunch time!
Sometimes it feels like I only teel you that I will eat:)
Will listen to some music and wake up with a glas of coffee.
See you later!
Peace and Love


I get more and more inspiration by the blog my sister has about her music. Wonder if I will start one too......
same time....I have my music here.
My sisters blog: http://musicofmine.webblogg.se/
Don´t know yet what to do.
Will eat something now.
See you tomorrow!
Peace and Love


Work work work!
Peace and Love

Music 4 2 day!

Peace and Love

Beverly Hills 90210

This is the old show and for me the REAL show.
My favorite girl and boy then was Brenda and Dylan. So cute couple!
I really want the DVD boxes with this show. Maybe one day I get them;)
Peace and Love

Inspiration Youtube 4 2 day!

Peace and Love

Have a nice day!

Hi there!
I hope you all have a great day!
I wish little that I was free from work and the same time I am so happy that I work at a place that I love.
Next week my dear friend M has her holiday from work, and she will come here with her two wild kids. Wild kids and so cute at the same time. Like them too.
I will do my best to be the host.

Now I will make some dinner.
Peace and Love


Six days from now it will be not so much updates.
I will do my best but I have to work too;)
Now I have to eat something!
See you later!
Peace and Love

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