see ya!

Will be busy tonight so this may be the last update for today.
Let´s hope that I come back for one more time anyway.
See you hopefully later
Peace and Love

Good morning

I hope you all slept well!
Woke up and the dog was next to my bed, and that is so nice.
He is waiting for me to wake up.
I don´t have any plans for today. Maybe make a small trip with my parents.
Later anyway I will spend time with my twin.
Breakfast time now.
Peace and Love

youtube 4 2 day!

Peace and Love

Good night!

Been away to my sister and played some Guitar Hero!
She is much better then me but it is still really fun to play. Sad that her boyfriend don´t think the same.
He slept in the sofa behind us.
Mum made Butaman. I LOVE it.
She makes food that I LOVE when I am home for a visit.
Now it is time for med to sleep. Have to get up early.
Peace and Love

Miley Cyrus music!

I have two songs with Miley and this is it!
Peace and Love

little about yesterday.

Now I am at my parents and my sweet sister borrowed me her computer. So now I can update my blog.
My birthday was yesterday and it was GREAT to spend it with parents and my twinsister and her boyfriend.
The weather was rainy:(
Got a bracelet from mum and high heels from my sister.
Last couple of years I have told it is just my twin sister who has her birthday and I guess she say the same about me.
She is my BEST friend. She is always there when I need her.
The weather today is still rainy. Trying to get my parents dog out for a walk....didn´t work. He is to smart to go out in the rain. Will try later again.
Other plans is spendning time with my mum. LOVE her. She is one of my inspirations in my life.
See you later!
Peace and Love

Good night!

I had a GREAT birthday today!! Will tell you more later today!
Peace and Love

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday CMeCicci!
Hope you get a WONDERFUL day!
Peace and Love

Have a nice day!

What is your plans for the weekend?
My sister have her birthday this Sunday and I will celebrate her.
Been working today. and now it is time for me to eat something.
And look at Project Runway and see when my favorite Christian Siriano wins the whole thing!
Peace and Love

Movie tip!

Peace and Love

bad update!

Work work work!
Then I have to pack my bags for a little trip over midsummer.
Now I have to eat something!
Peace and Love


Saw a pair of shoes in the Metro magazine a month ago and I really liked them.
And it comes from the store ZARA.
I know I am not the first blogger that take them up. It is not easy to get them now for me.
I hope you all who have them, wear them every day the sun is up:)
This is the last update for today!
Peace and Love

blog tip!

A tip of a blog about music...and it is my dear sister´s blog and her kind of music.
We listen to same kind of music...of course we have little differences too.
Hope this work!
Have to go and eat something!
See you later!
Peace and Love

Good morning!

Woke up tired and plus a bad hair day;)
This will not distroy my day.
Later today I will work too.
Now it is time for me to drink coffee!
See you later
Peace and Love

Music 4 2 day!

Music 4 2 day!
Will listen to some more music tomorrow!
Now I am looking at Not another teen movie.
See you tomorrow!
Peace and Love


Sorry that I haven´t updated today. My computer didn´t want to start as I wanted.
Ate lunch with my sister and then ate dinner with my friend A and her boyfriend M.
Tasted so good!
Now I will look at Pirates of Carribean:On Stranger Tides.
See you later!
Peace and Love

Music 4 2 day!

I don´t listen to her music a lot but some are really good! Really nice voice.

Time for me to day good night for to day!

Peace and Love



Take the food tomorrow.
Will eat lunch with my dear sister tomorrow too and I can make the food store after.
Looking at Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man´s Chest and seen Pirates of the Caribbean: The curse of the black pearl.
Let´s see if I see the last two tonight too. LOVE that movies!

It is raining outside and I don´t mind as long I am inside. Tomorrow I want sunshine.

Back to my cleaning :(

Peace and Love


fashion icons 4 me!

Hi everyone!
Needed to sleep little and woke up again now.
Let´s see what the day will bring...need to go to the food store and that is not the funniest thing to go on a free-from-work day.
Clean and food shopping....I think it will be that borring day today. But I will do it more fun as possible.
Listen to some music and put on a good movie on the DVD.
Have some strawberries in refrigerator *yummie*

My two biggest STYLE ICONS in the world is:

See you later!

Peace and Love


After a ROCK weekend!

Back again after a festival weekend! Metaltown ROCKS!!!!
Pain and Sabaton was BEST!

I hope you who have been there had a GREAT time as I did!

See you later!

Peace and Love


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