First day sunshine on my holiday!

Away with my sister and her boyfriend...he is a friend of mine these days.
We will go and shop little.
Wonder what I will find;)
See you later!
Peace and Love

Music and little more!

Love this song and love all of these versions.
Will make a trip so I hope I come back later today!
First day on my holiday and I will enjoy it
Peace and Love

See Ya!

Soon over with work!
See you tomorrow!
Peace and Love

Little about today!

How has your day beeen?
I had a pretty good day. Counting down for my holiday, my summer holiday
Met my friends A and M this morning. Happy suprise!
Soon me and my sister have to start to plan the trip we gonna make.
And then I rememberd that I should plan a weekend for my sisters....a sister-weekend.
Wonder what,,,,?
Peace and Love

little more music

Loved that band!
Hope to see you later!
Peace and Love

Good Night!

See ya tomorrow...I hope!
Peace and Love

Music 4 2 day!

Peace ad


Good morning!
Hope you all have a GREAT Monday!
I will be working much again so the updates will be not so good again.
Before work I will take care of some things.
Some borring things and some tasty things.
I got this from my friend this weekend.
I have to takecare of them before they become bad, A sandwich with this on is sooooo good.
Now it is time for a late breakfast.
Peace and Love

see ya!

I got a really HAPPY suprise when my sister came!
I am so happy for it. she knows what I am talking about!
The concert with the Boss was so GREAT!
Loved every second of it.
See you tomorrow!
Peace and Love


Hope my guests comes soon!
My friend´s guests are on their way! We will meet them tomorrow!
First payment to the trip is done! ;)
Peace and Love


Will listen the whole day on Bruce Springsteen!
Get in the right mood for tonight!
Hope the weather will be great too. So far so good.
Peace and Love

TV shows!

Guess what TV show these girls comes from!
And their names in the show?
This guy was with too!
I don´t know why I thought about this was not good at all, but still....I looked at it.
It is like the show the Bold and the Beautiful.
My favorite there is Steffy!
And don´t like Hope-girl
Maybe because they fight over the same guy;)
See you tomorrow!
Peace and Love

TV and make up

Looking at a movie on TV now....girly movie and pretty good.
Saw a music video with Britney Spears and it got to be my make up inspiration for to day!
Met my friend A and her boyfriend M and we ate pizza. SO GOOD!
and so full now!
Didn´t I say before I was at the food store before....and I had right. I got more things with me then on the shopping list.
See you later or tomorrow!
Peace and Love

Food and Bruce:)

Need to come to the food store....the bike?
It is really nice weather to do that.
Wonder if I get more things with me after then what it stands on the shoppinglist. Happens pretty often;)
One week more then holiday.
I really need it!
This weekend I will see Bruce Springsteen. The Boss.
First time to see him. Heard that he makes really GREAT shows!
My sister and her boyfriend will come here to watch him too!
See you later
Peace and Love


Back home and slept long.
I really don´t like to wake up late.
Today my thoughts goes to my friend M.
What is my plans today,,,,,pay for my trip...
Looking really forward to it!
I have an other trip that I am looking forward to....and it is with my sister!
And that trip comes soon!
See you later!
Peace and Love


Just want to say that I am back!
See you tomorrow!
Peace and Love

See you later!

Peace and Love

Jack and Jill!

Someone who remember the TV show Jack and Jill?
I really want it on DVD. Love the show!
My favorite couple was Audrey and Barto. I guess that I have the right names;)
Jaime Pressly and Justin Kirk is their real names.
Someone who knows where I can get the DVD?
Peace and Love

leg warmers!

I LOVE wearing leg-warmers.
And I know my sister do the same!
Have different of colors and strips too.
 I have a specially ones when I go to festivals and concerts
This is the one then!
So I hope I will back tomorrow!
Peace and Love


I am gonna tell you about a Youtube user called AmiClubwear. Really like them!
They show much of nice things like clothes, accessories to tip for ex walking in heels or how to fic a broken eyeshadow.
Here is the video about the eyeshadow. I know many of us been through it.
Today it is rainy!
Good for me....I will be working anyway;)
Working a lot again, so the update my be not so good the next few days:(
See you later!
Peace and Love

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