Been away

Late update.
Been at my friends apartment and played some games and had fun.
Will meet them tomorrow too + an other friend
Now the bed is calling.
Peace and Love


Today my best friend has her birthday!!!
Celebrate her!!
Ice cream later today. Let´s see if I can update more later.
Peace and Love


Try my best to make it up for the last couple of days.
My sister is on her way home again:(
Sad but it has to happen. Normal days has to come back.
Here is a inspiration of make up
Now it is time for me to get my apartment ready for gusets;)
Peace and Love

See you next week

Bad update.
Next week it will be better:)
Hope you have a GREAT weekend!
Take care of eachother.
Now I will spend some time with my dear twinsister!
Peace and Love


NEXT time is here!!!
Will get many rides this time!!!
See you there!
Have to do one thing first;)
Peace and Love

Cancer or Crab time!

Home again!
We went to the place with the green rabbit;)
One ride this time:) and next time it will be more.
Drinking coffee now....and soon it will be ...
So tasty!!!
One time a year and the day is here!
So I hope you all have a great day as me!
Peace and Love

Little about shoes and my day

Good morning!
I didn´t go to......
We stayed home and relaxed. Maybe today...!
Me and my sister like the same kind of rides there. So much fun.
So what is your plans today?
I wonder again how to make this blog something or am I satisfied how it is now.
hmmmm....something to think about.
A pair of shoes that I want
Really like this....I got the inspiration from..
Love her style here!
So ....the weather are perfect here now...SUN!! HEAT!!!
So what to wear....hmmm....will walk a lot.....tank top I guess and pair of shorts.
Maybe I write later....or maybe I write tomorrow...See you then!!
Peace and Love

Olympics and Victoria

The last day of Olympics has past and everything on tv is normal again.
It is fun when it happens and the same nice when it is over.
Victoria Beckham was with in the last show and she was with the former band-members in Spice Girls.
Loved her dress. Ok...I almost love everything she wears.
Now I will talk to my sister.
Peace and Love

Wiiiiiiii!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!! so much fun!

Peace and Love


Now it Monday and still holiday. And the weather is great today too.
Summer is here:)
during this and my sister renting a car. It will make it so easier to go to things. Hmmm.... where do i want to go;)
One thing for sure is that it will be shopping!!!YEAH!!!
My day didn´t start so well...I have to turn the thing around. Little things became big in my mind.
Get so irritated.
So my plans today is not to be angry or upset....or try to be anyway.
Let´s see if how my plans go today;)
Peace and Love


Bad update when I have holiday....sorry for that!
Yesterday me and my sister went to IKEA and looked at great things. Get some inspiration from there and how I want my apartment.
My sister has some great ideas too;)
The weather yesterday was so warm and sunny....LOVE!!!
And today it is the same kind of weather. Will spend some time outside and get som color;)er

My sister sit  in my livingroom with her computer and I sit in the kitchen with that social?
She has blogs too so...maybe she is looking for some music for that now.
Hope that I come back soon
Peace and Love

Enjoy the last hours!

Good morning!
Here I am...still home at my parents but will go home later today.
It has been great here.
Rainy again....
so happy for yesterday and the sunny weather. Sunbath a short time.
Yesterday Japan girl team in soccer got silver medal. YEAH!!!!
You did it really good girls!!!
Today me, CMeCicci and mum will go to a cafe and just talk. Really nice to have the close connection between us.
So now I have to pack my bags so they are ready for the trip.
Hope to see you later!
Peace and Love

BBQ and applepie

The day have been good...and it is not end yet... more to come:)
Lovely evening...real summer evening.
I wish I had a photo on it....maybe I can show that an other day.
My sister C....or should I say....CMeCicci..She is my best friend.
Will find out things to do next week....have to make it up...when the Berlin trip didn´t come along.
Have you read by the way my sister´s blogs?
She has three really great ones.
Let´s see where I am tomorrow;)
Home or still here one more day:)
Peace and Love

Sunbathing time!

Sitting here with my sister. She has her computer and I have social;P
But we give ideas to eachother about how to decorate house/apartment.
My sister is looking at a youtube video with one of her biggest fashion inspiration. Jack Strify.
It is abeautiful video.
Today the sun and warm....the summer is here!
Tomorrow or the day after and my sister will go home to my apartment.
Sorry for the bad update.
Time for....
Sunbathing like Britney Spears:)
Peace and Love

decorate idaes

Good Morning!
My plans today is spending time with my sister, her boyfriend and my parents dog J.
Rainy today...again:(
But that will not distroy my day:)
I really feel to change and decoratemy apartment I said an other day.
I am looking after this side tables....with mirrors all around.
Like this or the idea of this....someone who knows where I can get it?
Maybe it will be be bad update today and tomorrow...let´s see if I can make it.
Peace and Love

Little about nothing...really

Rainy rainy rainy day!
Fourth day of my holiday. It didn´t ruin my day.
Spend almost my whole day with my sister. She is GREAT!
Helped her in their house...or her boyfriends house;)
(knows that he reads my blog too)
Sitting here in my old room and wonder if I should start to read a new book or should I give the old book a chance more.....
Really want to come into reading much.
Maybe I should start like I did before. Borrowed books in the library, but this time I have my library at home.
I have so many books that I want to read.
There are so many things I want to start again...
I draw a lot before....I really want to be good again with that. These days I only draw clothes and not persons.
Gym....Hope I can start after my holiday;)
So now it is time for good night!
see you tomorrow!
Peace and Love

Good Night!

Sleeping time!
Spend time with my parents and my sister. We had BBQ!
The weather was not nice at all...rainy but no thunder. Lucky us. Wonder if that will come tomorrow?
I want to make my apartment more me....
Decorate it more....But I have to find the style that I want.
Will look for more inspiration tomorrow;)
See you tomorrow!
Peace and Love


Sorry for the bad update yesterday.
Was home at my sister´s place andreally didn´t do anything special. Talked a lot about fashion, how to decorate at home...and much more.
Today I helped my father to cut the grass. It will rain and thunder later today(if we should belivie the news).
Hope not....I don´t like thunder.
And I can´t update my blog while that is happening.
So what is on my plan today....
hope that me and my sister can take a walk later and then BBQ.
have figured out that I eat more when I am holiday ....good or bad?
This is only the third I can take care of that.
So....Coffee time with my father now.
see you later!
Peace and Love

second day of my holiday!

Wonder what will happen today?
Slept over at my sister and her boyfriend.
BBQ, candy and a movie last night....Earser...I think it was the name.
Breakfast time!
Peace and Love

Wonderful day today!

Shopping...hmmm....not so much for me:(
I have to think about to get it home I can´t buy so much. But some ideas I got.
Sunny weather too and it isa really good start.
I will try my best to update here;)
See you tomorrow!
Peace and Love

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