Enjoy the day!

Last days of my holiday. Sad bad true.
I had a really good holiday...ok it could be better with a trip to Berlin.
But I think we did it really good anyway.
Soon back to work:(
My normal life is back and that is good. If I don´t have normal days then I can´t enjoy my holiday either.
So it is ok to go back.
One other sad thing is the Summer is soon really over. Cold and windy. Me don´t like at all.
I love the heat and the sun.
My father is still here and my sister went this morning back home.
See her soon again I hope...really soon!
Peace and Love

Neil Armstrong!

Rest In Peace
Peace and Love


I am having so much fun while my sister and our father is here.
Been at a museum and after that went to the sea. Sunny but little cold.
Taco time soon:)
Have to go back to my guests.
Peace and Love

good morning!

Breakfast time!
Coffee and sandwich is my usually breakfast. When I have guests then I also take yoghurt.
Do you eat something good every morning?
Now I am waiting for them to come.....some things to do still.
Will put on some music.
See you maybe later....I will really try.
Peace and Love

Good Night!

Tomorrow will be a hard day. Not really finnished with my apartment.
Most of it is clear.
Now I try to found things we can do.
My father love seafood...hmmm...that would be perfect.
Sweet dreams!
Peace and Love


Looking at Pirates of Caribbean:Dead man´s chest!
It is really good. I bet I have told you that before. But can it be said to much?
Pirates of Caribbean....all of the movies is good.
Then I can say...Johnny Depp makes or shoose really good movies. Or does he make them so good?
Pirates of Caribbean
Benny & Joon
Edward Scissorhand
Sweeney Todd
Alice in Wonderland
Charlie and the Choclate Factory
Finding Neverland
What´s eating Gilbert Grape
A movie which is good but NOT the best of him. But I feel it is like a must to see....if you like Johnny.
He is a really good actor!
Peace and love

got the time:)

Spend some time with my friend and her boyfriend. They are looking for some things to their apartment.
I was with as company.
Now when I am back....have to start to deal with my apartment.
Have to eat something too:(
But don´t know now what? Hamburger?
I can say right now it may be bad update this weekend.
I hope you have a Great weekend and take care of eachother.
Peace and Love


Try my best to get ready!
Tomorrow my sister and our father comes here!
Where can I get more time???
Really want to see my friend too!
Liv Tyler is a really beautiful woman.
ok...I think her father is pretty hot too;)
Peace and Love

damn phone!

Woke up by my phone ringing. And it was a machine voice message. Someone who didn´t send it to my mobile phone.
It was the first time I got it...but why make it so early. Lucky it was not important.
Ok...I LOVE mornings and I LOVE to wake up around 7AM. It is the best time to go up.
So now it is time for me to get my coffee!
See you later!
Peace and Love

Can´t be everywhere at the same time:(

Been at my friend. Hope she will feel better soon.
It is not always easy.
I will support her!
So that was my day.
Will meet her tomorrow too.
See you tomorrow
Peace and Love

Bad update

Sorry for that!

Peace and love


Good start!

Sitting on my balcony in the sunshine and drink my fist cup of coffee!
Can it be better? I don´t think so.
Do you have anything you have to start with every day?
I have my coffee. I know it is just an idea in my head but it feels so good after it.
I think many has coffee.
What to do today.
My apartment
Help in my firend´s apartment
This is my plan so far.
Peace and Love

Happy DAY!

Once upen a time....use the fairy tales start with.
I feel it will be a great day. Don´t know how or when the feeling is there.
Must have my first cup of coffee just.
Have some things I really have to do today.
Now maybe I gonna have two visitors this weekend. HOPE SO!!!
So I hope you all have a good start as me!
See you later!
Peace and Love

Sleep well!

Good Night!!
See you tomorrow. Let´s see what that day will bring.
Peace and Love

How to make food fun?

Ate some lunch with my friend and shopping a lot of food. I will Have food for months.
Borring shopping but now it is done and I will not buy food for a while.
I don´t think it is so fun to cook dinner. Maybe because that I never found the right food recipes.
Italian, german, french, japanese...chinese...
What do you think is most fun to do?
I will eat some chicken soon.
Hope you all have a great day.
Peace and Love

Clothes and Make Up Inspiration

Good Morning!
Little tired and ready for today. Really have to get some things ready today.
Will meet a friend later.
Like this girl´s youtube videos a lot. So COOL!
Peace and Love

Good Night!

Sleep well!
Peace and Love


I really have to get my apartment ready....but how to start?
Dishes first and then rooms....
It is so borring but so nice when it is done.
Should I have music on or should I have a movie on.
Waiting now for my friend to call on the phone. or maybe she will call tomorrow.
Tomorrow I will meet A again and eat on the Salad bar Paprika. So good!!!
Thinking allready on what to shoose between.
So if you have any ideas how to make the cleaning funnier...tell me!
Peace and Love

Little about....hmmm

back again!
Talking with my friend M by phone.
 And we can talk really long time. Some changes in her life maked it easier to call and meet her.
And that is not bad at all.
Met my friend G and ate some lunch. Took vegetarian lasagna and that was really good.
Love to eat vegetarian foods but I think it is hard to make it myself.
Let´s see if I make something tonight.
And that makes me remember that I need to shop some food.

Maybe tonight or tomorrow. I guess more it will happen tomorrow.
Now I am looking at Absolutely Fabulous. Did you see them at the Olympics?
Peace and Love

friends or

Good Morning everyone!
Slept well?
Eating breakfast now and really need to start to get ready for meeting my friend.
I really needto get my apartment ready for the weekend....but when?
I want to join friends too....
See you later!
Peace and Love

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