
No plans for tonight and only relax:)
Now I will look at Jamie Oliver on TV.
Makes dinner on 15 minutes. That kind of food I like when I am little in hurry and alone.
If I make dinner with someone or make dinner for someone then it is different.
I want to make more fish diches.
Fish is so good! I like fish more then chicken. I can´t say it is better then meat.
Take it easy and take care of eachother.
Peace and Love

Good morning!

Working weekend:(
Hope you all have a great weekend and are free from work:)
Enjoy it for me!
Grey day but still hope that the sun will shine today:)
Peace and Love


The disches clean and I will get ready for meet my bf:)
Where does time go?
I want more time...where can I find that?
Peace and Love

Cleaning and shopping

Wonder what your plans today is?
I don´t have not so many. Meet J later.
I guess I have to take care of my apartment little:)
Dishes and cleaning. Not so fun but I have to do it.
To make it more fun is to put on some music and dance during the cleaning:)
I wish I could go out and shop a lot but not today.
Next week I will take a trip to Berlin so..I wait til then:)
Peace and Love

Hi there!

Good morning!
Wonder when the storm will come here?
No sight of that now:)
Later today I will meet my friends G, M and J for a coffee:)
Peace and Love


Hope you all have a great day!
We all have ups and downs and we can´t control them:(
Think positive!
Fight for happiness!
Peace and Love


Why did I tell him that????
Have you ever told someone something that you totally regret after?
Now it is done but I feel so bad!
Peace and Love


I got a perfect christmas gift for my sister:)
I can´t say what it is because she reads this blog. Sorry:(
Have to find something more to her. Have to look trough some sites:)
How was you day?
Ready to sleep one hour more or party one hour more? Keep calm and don´t hurt eachother tonight.
Don´t drink and drive!
Don´t drink to much alcohol that you can´t handle! Learn you limits!
Party smart and with style;)
Peace and Love

Good morning!

Thunder in the sky:)
I would feel different about it if I was at home at my parents. Here in my apartment is more safe.
My dayly plan today is work:)
Peace and Love

Fish or not?

Last update for today i think:)
Who knows;)
Been out for lunch and coffee:)
Fish is really good and I wonder why I don´t eat it more often?
What do you think about fish?
My plan tonight is to relax:)
Peace and Love


some plans!

Hope you all have a great morning!
I slept pretty well:)
Got a guest here now...;)
My plan for this weekend is work. So the update will be bad:(
 Peace and Love


Been sleeping not so good tonight. Been thinking about some things:(
But I will not take fast conclusions after one talk.
My plans today is to invide my friends G and M for dinner. Me and J will take care of that:)
 Peace and Love

Have a nice day!

Grey day but no rain. Look at the positive side:)
Many(not all) thinks negative during Autumn and feel low. It is because the sun is not around as often.
What do you do to get that energy the sun gives?
Sunbathing, light therapy??
Everyone want that natural way= the sun:)
My plans today is:
Meet my friend A
and later meet J
Peace and Love



How are you? What is your plan for this day?
My plans...I don´t know yet.
Meet my bf, talk to my friend....
Peace and Love

I am so sorry

Bad update this weekend and maybe it will be that the whole week.
I will try my best anyway:)
Peace and Love


On my way to meet my bf:)
Let's see if I get the time to get something to him.

Took a picture on the way:)
Blue sky and sunny, can it be a better autumn weather:)
See you later!

Peace and Love



Good morning!
Hope you all have a lovely morning and feeling great.
My plans today is to meet my bf and then my sister will come here later.
Been together with him in 6 month and the sweet thing is that he thought about it yesterday and not me.
I guess it is more girls that think about it.
I really need to come back to the gym:(
But I don´t have the time.....where does my time go?
I need more.
Peace and Love


Work a lot this week and the update will be bad:(
I will try my best
Peace and Love


Little changes of the plans.
Me and my bf will meet today too so the update is bad today too. So sorry.
So I haven´t told him yet.

Yesterday we went to Borås. Nice little town and it was perfect weather.
Now I have to get ready
Peace and Love


Today I will make a  day trip somewhere with my bf. Wonder where the train will take me;)
I think I will be with him the whole day so the update will not be so good.
Wonder if I should tell him about this blogging thing?
See you later or tomorrow:)
Peace and Love

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