
Today my father come here and visit me:)
We will see this one:
His choice:)
Peace and Love


I am so....
I really want to do some things and some things I need to do....but do I do them?
Get little angry on myself.
But it still not the end of the world if I don´t do the things;)
So what is your plans today?
Need to eat something now.
Peace and Love


Not work and only education.
It was a long time ago I went in school and sat on a chair and just listen to a teacher. My body is not used to sit for a long time anymore.
Sometimes is it hard and specially after lunch. So tired.
Now I have to pack my bag for my trip this weekend, before I will meet my bf and my friends G and M.
So see you later.
Peace and Love


Wonder why I am so tired today. I think i slept well during the night but still?
It may be the cold I had in my body that wanted to rest;)
Coffee time for me to try to wake up.Wonder when I will meet my friend A today.
I also need to clean clothes and apartment.
Not so fun but we all need to do that sometimes.
Let´s see when I will write again.
Peace and Love

plans that goes wrong:(

Been a hard day today!
It didn´t went as I plan if I say so and now wonder how to continue the day.
I think I start with a coffee and a shower.
Maybe you are alike me?
Get´s angry at myself when my plans doesn´t go my way. I hope my mood get´s better.
And I will do my best to do that.
So happy music will be on!
Peace and Love


Good morning!
Hope you all slept well. Now it is time for work.
My plans today is.....no idea:) But that feels good!
See you later!
Peace and Love


Need more time!!!!
When to write my blog and when to meet bf and friends??? Need some advices!
Sonow I have to get ready for my bf:)
See you tomorrow I hope!
Peace and Love

So long for today!

Time to go out and meet my bf:)
See you tomorrow!
Peace and Love


Will try my best to come back again here:)
Had Holiday with my sister and did a lot of fun things.A lot of shopping too.
I know that I am bad at showing what I get but maybe one day it will be better or not
My plans today is gym and then later work.
See you later
Peace and Love

See you soon!

Sorry that I havn´t been writing for a long time.
Have holiday with my sister and we have a lot of fun!
Peace and Love

Island is calling

Yesterday was GREAT!
A daytrip with the boyfriend. We where there the whole day.
I will meet him today too and with our friends G and M. Let´s see what we will do.
We really wanted sunny weather and what do we get? Rain:(
Hope so much it will change!
The plans was to go for a trip to the islands along the coast.
The picture is a link to the site this picture is taken from.
It is about the resturants.
Hope you all get a SUNNY DAY!
Peace and Love

Plans today

Today my plans will go for daytrip with J.

This picture is from Google. Let´s see if I can get own picutures of the city.
So what is you plans for today?
Breakfast time.
Peace and Love

Maybe see you later or tomorrow

Now I will meet my friend A and eat at the salad bar Paprika.
So I really have to get ready for that.
Later today I will meet G and her sister and J.
Peace and Love


My nails are done and I am so happy for them.
Pink and blue:)
I don´t have a picture yet but I will try to make something:)
Now I need to do some things before I go to meet J.
Peace and Love

Plans today

Today I will fix my nails again and thought about the colors my sister gave as an idea:)
Not bad at all.
What will you do today?
So see you maybe later:)
Peace and Love

Sad start of the day:(

Finnished with the education but it didn´t went so good as I wanted:(
But next time I WILL MAKE IT!
There are nothing I can do now about it.
POSITIVE thoughts.
Tonight I will meet my friends A, M and bf J.
Will eat some pizza toghether.It is the first time my bf and friend A meet.
Hope they like eachother and we four can meet some more times.
Tomorrow I will make my nails again. I thought about a different color on one nail each hand. Pink and ?
Blue? Green? Ideas?
Now I will make some food and clean the apartment.
Peace and Love

Hi and bye

Need to study tonight:S
See you maybe later:)
Peace and Love

First day

On my education:)
Went really good. Was really nervous and I really didn´t need to. I will get that tomorrow night becuase then the test is ON!
Tonight it will only be relaxing:)
Beeing alone:)
Sometimes does everyone need that.
So what to eat?
Peace and Love

Fit Inspiration!

Will be away the whole day:)
Can´t update. See you later tonight!
Peace and Love

Good morning!

Hoped you all slept well!
I did anyway;)
My plan today is study, study , study and meet J.
I really need to study.
Same time I want to shop online.....I can do that during my breaks. Same time I can log in here and write little on what I am looking for.
So what is your plans today?
Peace and Love

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