full with pie

Ate my tasty pie and now it is time for bed.
Hope your day have been good:)
See you tomorrow!
Peace and Love


Time to go to meet my friend A.
It was long time ago I met her, so itwill be really fun.
Maybe see you later
Peace and Love

Good Morning!

Hoped you all slept well.
Yesterday I did something that now I can´t take back., but at the same time....it´s true.
To change the status from single to relationship on FB.
Now is it done:)
My plan today is:
Meet A
Hope you all get a great day!
Peace and Love

Have a great evening!

Time to meet my bf!
See you later today or tomorrow.
Peace and Love


Sun is shining and I am a bit tired. Coffee may help.
Thinking about what I should do today. I really need to study but same time I want to meet my bf.
I think I have to talk to my friend A. I don´t want her to feel forgotten.
It is hard to share the time with friends and bf.
I think bf need to accept that a person need my friends too.
Now it istime to wake up:)
Peace and Love


Wonder what you all are up to?
Will meet my bf.
Sometimes I feel that I want to spend more time with my friends too. And the same time with my bf.
It is hard to split my time.
I need some advises.
What else....
My holiday is over and I will start to work again.
Peace and Love


To be on holiday is very fun.
But the blogging become more terrible:(
Wonder why I am better while I am working?
I know why too. I spend a lot of time with my sister and her bf.
So I will continue do that:)
See you when I will write again:)
Peace and Love


Sorry that I didn´t write today.
Been to Örebro and made some shopping withmy sister:)
Maybe shopping tomorrow too.
Peace and and Love


Sorry that I havn´t been writing. Helped my sister and her bf with some painting.
So I will try to do better:)
Peace and Love

Good Night!

Time for me to go to bed.
Have to get up early:) Will help my friend to paint.
And then maybe go to the gym. It depends on the weather.
Nice weather=Home, Rainy weather=gym
Peace and Love


If I want to get this blog more intresting. What to write about then?
Peace and Love

Barbie doll

Maybe you heard about Anastasiya Shpagina?
I like her makeup here. She makes her eyes a lot bigger to be like a barbie doll.
She does more looke alike a japanese doll. The eyes are different from a Barbie
There are more girls that want to look like a doll.

Peace and Love

Make Up Collection

Some people has so much make up and I am little jealous.
Found these Youtube vidoes.
 Peace and Love


Good Morning sunshines!
Woke up after 8 hours good sleep and with a smile.
Little sad that my parents will go away but I am happy for them. They will go for a trip with three other couples.
And someone has to take care of the sweet dog:)
And of course I say yes to that.
Lovely weather outside:) Not warm but sunny.
Nothing to complain on.
So my plan today is spendning time with the sweet dog and spend time with my sister later.
Peace and Love

Good Night!

I will have better time tomorrow to write more.
Peace and Love

So long!

Time to close the computer:(
Hope to seee you soon:)
Peace and Love


Good Morning!
Hope you all slept well.
I thought to get to the gym then I got so many things to do before my trip.
Sad but true.
Peace and Love


When to know when the time is ready to say to a person that "I LOVE YOU"?
I got the question today from my bf and I wasn´t ready at all to say it yet.
I know for sure it can´t be rushed or forced...then it will be wrong.
So an advise to you.
Don´t make the other one force you to say or do something you are not ready for. It is your choice.
If the other one can´t wait then he or she is nothing for you.
You diserve better!
Peace and Love

Plans today

Tired tired!
Hope you all had a great weekend. I been working and it been pretty good. I hope that last day will be better:)
My plans for this evening is relax!

So take care.
Peace and Love

Plans today

Had a pretty good day today:)
And now hoping that my bf want to see me. Or will he be busy today?
I need to pack my bags too for my holiday.
How was you day today?
Relaxing? Training?
Now it is food time and coffee:)
Peace and Love

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