
Been working and had a lot to do.
It is blue sky and sun is up....what to complain on. Ok I could be free from work and be out there all day but...I am happy to have a work to go to.
Looking at a program called Lost beauty-Katie´s friends.
Deep and thoughtfull.
Now it time to eat something...but what?

Peace and Love

see you maybe tomorrow

Today it will be a calm evening. No date with J.
Order a dress online.HOPE it fits!
Maybe will show it one day.
It is a pink dress that I been looking on for a long time!!!
Peace and Love


Now I will soon go to the gym.Hoped on good weather today but it seems to rain all day.
Wonder if I will meet J later today.
Sometimes he make me little nervous.
Well well....it will feel much better soon.
This weekend I will work a lot so theupdate will be very low:(
Peace and Love

Plans and makeup

Today I will make an other trip and this time to an island.
Vinga fyr is called.
Famous from Evert Toube´s songs and that he lived there. So it will be exciting.
I know that my bf want to go there too so I may take him there too.
But today it will be with my father.
 Peace and Love

My day!

Back home again!
Been away to a museum. Took some pictures that I will show you an other time.
Then went to the resturant Heaven 23 and ate their special sandwich:)
Tasted really good. It was my birthdaypresent from my father.
Tomorrow I will give his birthday present.
Now it time to go to bed.
Peace and Love

Plans today

Now my guest relaxing. So I can write little here;)
Just kiddning:P
Thinking about to go to Liseberg. I guess there are many people there today to sing with Lotta and co.
But it will be fun.
Perhaps I should call J or maybe A to come along.
Let´s see what to do.
Contest is on too:)
I have to do my best to win this:)
Peace and Love


Have to get ready for my guest:)
My father will come for visit couple of days.
Peace and Love


My camera worked really good:)
What a nice island Marstrand is. I wish that I could live there.
But not now and it is expensive apartments or houses there.
(this pic is from google)
In my dreams maybe.
Who knows;)
Peace and Love

Plans today

Today I will make a daytrip with J, G and M.
It will be really fun to do that. sad that my camera is not so good loaded:(
Hope that someone else has a camera with.
And let´s see later what the day can bring.
Hope youall will get sunny weather:)
Peace and Love


 Peace and Love


Work work!
Peace and Love

Have a great day!

Time to meet J now!
see you tomorrow!
Peace and Love

Outfits Victoria Beckham

I have told you before that I get much inspiration from Victoria.
Here comes some outfits that gives me that
Peace and Love

Victoria´s Secret

Does girls has really nice toned bodies. Wonder how they do to get that shape?
Peace and Love


Sunny weather and tired. What to do?
Take a swim in the pool?
Go to the gym? to warm....later maybe.
I know for sure that I have to take a glas of coffee first;)
Sometimes it is hard to figure our what to do. specially when you are tired.
Listen to some music now or should I put on a movie.
Have to eat something too. But what?
Many questions today;)
Peace and Love

I only say this!

Peace and Love

Tired and Soccer

Tired today!
No wonder when I work this much. But it is only  for me to do the best of it.
But now it time for me to wake up with coffee.
I really want to see the soccer game between Norway- Germany.
Peace and Love


Hope you will get a great weekend:)
I will work the whole weekend so the update...Not good:(
See you later!
Peace and Love


Sometimes I get really sad on my friend.
I know she doesn´t do it because she want to be mean. But still it is little upsetting.
Now it is only me who think about it and not her.
So now it is time for me to stop feeling bad.
I will not pay back with the same coin. I am not that kind of person.
Enough with that!
Been shopping and got what I wanted.
Picknick blanket and Sphagnum to orkide.
I have to save my plant that I got from my boyfriend.
It is soccer on tv tonight. Sweden against Germany.
I haven´t deside if I want to watch it or not.
I know that Germany is really good. and sorry to say...I don´t mind if they win either.
Like them both. It would be fun if Sweden won.
Peace and Love


Been swimming and sunbath:)
So nice in this weather:)
But I am careful in the sun. Get brown slower maybe but safer.
Tonight I will BBQ with my friends G, M, J and B. B´s partner I have never met yet but I guess he is friendly too.

So no update more today if I don´t do anything on my iPhone.
Peace and Love

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