no GYM:(

I don´t know if I can go to the gym today:(
Feeling like I have a cold and then it is not good to train. If I want to sick longer then I go and train but I want to get healthy soon so I have to relax today.
I really wish I had this gym close!!
I would LOVE to train there....ok I like my own gym too.
Peace and Love

Gym and salad:)

Feeling so good after the gym. Now me and my friends will go to the salad bar called Paprika.
If you havn´t been there...try it!
Not in everly place there are good. I have my favorite.
Next gym pass will be at Wednesday (I think) id not it will be on Thursday or Friday. I will try to make three time a week.
Maybe a pass on Wednesday? Hmmmm....wonder if there are some intresting passes then:)
See you later
Peace and Love


Hope you all had a great weekend! I had that and saw the two movies as planned.
So good!
So my plans today is gym and listen to music(that I do every day).
Heard Breakheart Hotel by Yohio?
Listen to it! It is really good.
See you laterI hope:)
Peace and Love


Got this points from an other blog. Great points to think about.
"Health chapter
Linn Otterbeck ideas about training
1. plan and change your lifestyle. U becomes used to training and it becomes prio no 1.
2. Dont start hard. Let your body get used to training, so a couple a times a week at the start. u only get borred if u start too hard.
3. Have a role model. someone u look up to. like a picture of someone or something, which makes u work harder.
4. Read and understand how the body works during training and why water is good for the health.
5. Dont care about the weight scales! when u train, the fat becomes muscles and muscles weigh.
6. patience. Change takes time. DONT give up!"
I think it comes from the POSH magazine
Peace and Love


I survived the dentist:)
I don´t have to go back again. Now it is year til next time.
 So now I will relax and then go to the gym with my friend or friends...I don´t know if M will go with.
Inspiration for the gym
Found this great picture on Google
Peace and Love

Gym and food

I will soon meet my friends and go to the gym and then I am invided for dinner at their place.
So it will be hard to update:(
Hope you all have a great Friday as me:)
Peace and Love

training and food!

Feel so good after the the swimming. Then after that we ate some sushi.
Do you have any favorite?
My favorite is this one:
Will continue my day great!
Peace and Love


Been eaten breakfast and pretty ready for the swimming.The good with that is it doesn´t feel that it is training...even if it is that.
Train the whole body:)
I have an idea how I want it and it is only me who can change it.
Peace and Love

gym and movie

Back from the gym and it all went really well.
Tomorrow I will go and swim with my friend A. I will get my bowl with candy this weekend:)
Start to feel different i my body after the gym, and that makes me to continue to go there.
 Here is two of my favorite movies!!
Peace and Love


The gym is calling and after that I will go and eat lunch with my lovely sister.
Wish now it was Spring. But no...the snow is back:(

We start with music by Vamps
 Peace and Love

Gym and Love

Back home again after the gym.
Feel so good. A lot of abs and back.
Next time will be on Friday.
I talked to two of my sisters today about the thing I should do this weekend.
Meeting this guy<3
I hope it will be great and feel right. I really want to find a person that I will spendthe rest of my life with.
I am little tired of beeing alone, but at the same time. I rather to be alone then with a bad person.
How did you find your lucky one?
Now I have to eat something!
Peace and Love


Hope you all slept well! I did anyway:)
Eating my breakfast now and after that will be the gym.  Will go there alone and it is little borring then. Not to talk to someone but also it can be positive.Then I can work our really hard.
Me and my sister was at the gym this weekend and she showed my some really good stuff. Not easy but effective.
She been doing this much longer then me so she is stronger then me.
Let´s see if I can make 500;)
See you later!
Peace and Love

Abs with Jillian!

 Peace and Love

Exercise at home:)

 Peace and Love


Back again:)
Wonder how your Monday has been?
I had a great one. Gym and Cafe. Did that mix?
I will feel in my belly tomorrow. Will train everyday something for it. I found a youtube video that I will try to do.
But sorry that I can´t share it with you:(
Let´s see if I can find something else for you.
 Now it is time for bed!
Peace and Love

GYMand coffee

Feel so good now after the gym.
It was so many people there today. New Year resolutions maybe?
I will try to go there more at the mornings.
Soon I will go out and take a coffee in the city.
I guess me and my friend need it.
Peace and Love


Have to eat something now and then go to the gym with my friend A.
See you later!
 Peace and Love

Some nice abs;)

I really want my training to pay off soon. I know it takes time til I get there.
Here comes inspiration!
Peace and Love


Laundry is done and it is so nice to have clean clothes again. Now I can train in my good sweaters again.
My plan to go to the gym tomorrow. Today I feel i my muscles and I will let them relax and build up today.
I want flatter abs.
But which one is looking the best?
The last picture is on a guy(I know) but I like his abs. It is Yu Phoenix.
Peace and Love

Body Pump!

How could I forget how hard BodyPump is? Still very fun but I will feel it tomorrow.
Planning to go to the gym on Thursday am. Wonder if I get my friend with on that;)
Tomorrow it is a early morning with washing clothes. BORRING!
I have to old ladies that think it is ok to take other´s time.VERY WRONG!
But I don´t want to fight so...I let them be. Only if I get my clothes clean and dry.
I guess I am not the oonly one who has this problem.
Laundry room is the most fights about I guess.
Peace and Love

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