I was in Stockholm last week and saw the best concert EVER!
Miyavi-san was perfect as usual!

Then on Saturday I saw an other japanese performer....HITT! He is good too!

After those two....I even love J-ROCK more then ever. I didn´t know that was possible! I am CRAZY in it!


Want but cant!

I feel for shopping today but cant. Why does it happen when I have to get to work.....????

I want some clothes and a new pair of Converse shoes.

Next week I will be at Miyavi concert in Stockholm. I love his music!
Prepare a own-made sweater to wear!

What more.....
Book trade fair is next week too. I been there two years in a row but this year I will miss it.
Hope u others go for me! It is Gothenburg in Svenska Mässan. (24-27 Sept)

So long!


Happy birthday Miyavi! (14Sept)


Sunny day!

I am so happy today! The sun is shining and my mood are so UP!

I did little shopping yesterday and bought a so cute CD-holder...I dont know how else I should explain what it is.
It is with Totoro
I dont have any picture on the thing.
If u don´t know who Totoro is....he is:

An other thing I bought is some candy....and I don´t buy it because it is good tast on lay in a cute box.

I got my favorite magazines in the mail yesterday too.....Shoxx and Fool´s Mate!

Have a nice day!


Today it is a grey day. No sun and just rain and dark clouds.
I hope u have better weather!
I feel in the air that the autumn is coming soon. Missing the summer allready.

I love to go on concerts and have some to look forward to.
Miyavi, Cinema Bizarre and Marilyn Manson.
And other that I dont have tickets to yet is MUCC, Alice Cooper and W.A.S.P.
Now you see that I am in for ROCK and Synth music!

This summer I was on Metaltown in Gothenburg and that ROCKS!
Saw the first time one of the best bands there. Dir en Grey!

Love them and their music!

I will be there next year too!

Have a nice and rainy day!



Bought kniting armwarmers from H&M. Grey and Black. So lovely!
Sorry that I don´t have a picture on them!

Was at the gym today and it felt so good after!
Many young guys there to work up their muscles adn some who want to impress on the girls there.
I don´t get impressed my BIG muscles. I don´t want a bodybuilder.
I like guys like Yu in Cinema Bizarre. Not to much and not to little.....PERFECT!

Music. Nowdays I only listen to J-ROCK! I love it and it makes me relax. Mix Speakers Inc, Nightmare, the Gazette, Dir en Grey, D=OUT and much more

One thing I wonder about...How to make a blogg more intresting?

Bought a pair of earings in material Titan so it cost a lot. I have streatched out my holes in my ears to 6mm, so I can´t have anything in them.
Bought the earing at Barbarella. Raelly nice store and have a lot of piercings. I think everyone can find something there.

Thanks for me for today!

Have a great shopping day!

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