

So tired after a day of work or is it becuase I just slept 3 hours....hmmmm.maybe both of them.
Listen to some music  and it is a totally mix.
Now it is Geri Halliwell-Look at me.

What more happend today.....oh Yeah....I got the gymcard today.
Gym, group passes and swimming.
I thought this year I will really take this serious!

So long



little about this weekend

I feel for shopping today!!
Want some new clothes.....even if I don´t need it now.
I love shopping from the net because then I get clothes that no one in this city or probable unit's small.

After work tomorrow I'll meet some friends at a cafe. It was so long time ago I met these people and I really look forward to it.

Any more plans for this week....oh dear twinsister comes and visit me this weekend.
I love spening time with her. We are so shopping and we have the same taste of clothes so we love the same stores.
An added plus is that we have the same size clothes as we can borrow each other's clothes.


The handball game was fantastic!
I will see Sweden play again but TV this time and tonight it is!

Maybe I come back later!

So long





I have only one plan today and that is go to see handball between Sweden-Poland with some friends!
It´s gonna be so much fun!
Otherwise I am free from work today.

Listen to some music

I have a new job and soon will start there......I am so excited!
I am so happy that I got the work!

So long



Combichrist and VB

I am free from work this weekend and I am just relaxing.

In Feb. comes Combichrist here to town and I will be there with my sister and a friend. Havn´t got the ticket yet but I will buy it soon.
I never seen them before but my friend has told goods things about the music. Good LIVE.

I love fashion! Some celebrities gives me inspiration and here is one of many.....Victoria Beckham

I don´t like everything she wears!

I hope u all get a GREAT weekend!



Little shopping

Was in the city today and went in H&M store to look at the tank tops and the boots and as fortunate as I looked on sale clothing.
Found nothing on sale and not my tank tops either or boots. I guess I have to buy it from the web.
To bad I couldn´t try them on.

And then I went to Åhlens to by Shadestick Sharkskin pen from MAC.
Typically, they stopped making it and I had to find a similar product.
I hope the other thing work as perfect as the other one.

MAC has nice make up and I love the eyeshadows. I wish I could get all the colours.

So long



Jan. 10, 2011

Been food shopping today and that is so boring but necessary.
And it is expensive too. Why are the most necessary things expensive?

I have thought about my work. If I was not trained in what I am, what would I be then?
Dog breeder? (I'd probably take it hard when I sell a puppy) so not really good idea.

I really want a dog but my work doesn´t mix with that.
If I should get a dog then it should be Grand danois. Love them!

So long





H&M & Forever 21

Seen some new clothes that I want.

These are from H&M

Lovely dress
I want to dress like this
I just love these boots!
These are from Forever21

So long





I have borrowed some movies from my dear sister. Some movies I just can have in the backround while I am doing other things.
All of them are chick flicks.
Wild child

Gone with the wind


the House bunny

Confessions of a shoppaholic

Bridget Jones´s diary

Freaky friday

Mean girls

and one who isn´t a chick flick is
Pirates of the Caribbean-all three movies

What do u think about this COOL car that belongs to the performer/model Perish?


So long




It is so nice to be home at my parents and same time.....when I come home then I have my own things and my own life around me. That is nice too!
Now it is time to come back to my normal life again. My first workingday is today after Christmas. Looking forward to it because I will find out if I should change workingplace for some months. I hope so.

Now I have to write som mails before and get ready for work.

So long



January 2

Going home today. It been a lovley time with my family.

I wonder what suprise I will get when I come home. I don´t know if I will start a new job or not. Really exciting for me.
I really want to come to the new workingplace beacuse then I can work with what I'm trained to do.

My next goal is learning japanese. Love the country and language.

I have to go and pack my bags now.....see u soon!

Peace and Love


New Year's resolution

What will u take for resolution this year???

I have to think more on mine, Some ideas I got so far is:
Saving money
Eat less candy or cookies, cakes
Work harder
Become vegetarian
One thing I know is that if I take to much to resolution then I will never make it so I have to take some of them away. Maybe to the year after.

Some say that resoultions are made for breaking.
I can say that I maked my 2010. Not eating chips or cheese doodles.

Ever heard about the music group Mary Fay??
I just say...listen to them.
I heard them for the first time on Sabaton-cruise(between Stockholm and Åbo)

I am so happy that my number one artist comes to Sweden again and to Stockholm. I am so ready for him!

So far I have planned three concerts this year.
1. My favorite artist
2. Rockstad Falun
3. Iron Maiden

Metaltown has so far not the groups that I want to listen on, so I have to see if something comes up. Maybe I will not go this year.

I hope u all get a GREAT start on this year 2011

Peace and Love


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