
I am holiday now so I can´t update so good where I am.
See you when I come back.
Peace and Love

My plans today

Been with my friend A today and tomorrow I will meet my boyfriend the whold day:)
So it will be bad update:(
Looking at a movie called "Jägarna"
It is a really good movie. And I have seen the second one too and same there....really good.
It is not really a good-mood movie.
But now it is time for me to go to bed.
Peace and Love


How are you?
Been busy with work today and now I will meet my boyfriend J.
First time I say it here;)
I never thought that that day would come ans it is!
He makes me happy:D
But this blog will not be about him. It may change because I am happy.
 Peace and Love

thoughts and plans

I am so sorry for the bad update:(
Been away at my parents and celebrate my twin sister:)
But now back.
Yesterday I came back home and met J and later G and M.
Lovely day!
I got a flower from J and G had baked a pie for me.
An other thing that happend yesterday was that my best friend got engaged!
They have been together official in two years but have know eachother longer as friends.
I am so happy for them!
But my daily plan is laundry(that I do now)
and then meet J
Peace and Love


Now I am at my dear sister<3
And we thought to write something together;)
But first a Music videos that we love!
Been thinking taking a trip:)
But where? Shopping time! or?
Its raining today, so its not so much to do outdoors
Örebro perhaps ^.~*
but in the city or at the mall Marieberg?
the city got a nizer environment but the parking can be trixy ( not Jake's dog ^.~*)
the mall got everything, though its not that cozy.
I guess I will let L deside where to go, coz I can go there more times...not that it happens that many times anyway.
tomorrow its our birthday
of course we should have a strawberry cake, we both LOVE it!
then we thought about inviting mum, dad and TV1's boyfriend M to a restaurant in Tiveden.
called "Tivedens mat"
But now it is time for us to go!
Peace and Love


Working day today so no update today until later:(
Peace and Love

1 plan today!

Today I will meet J.
And that is my only plan today.
So what is you plan today?
Anything fun?
Peace and Love

Good Night!

Now full with good food:)
Looking at Big Bang Theory season 1
Like that show. I know I have told you before.
So what to do rest of the evening?
I guess I have to clean up after dinner and it become shinning!
So see you tomorrow!
Peace and Love


Now I am back from a whole day of shopping with my friend A.
Now it making dinner time!
Peace andLove

Plans today

My plans today is to meet my friends A and M and go to shop food together. That is more fun then shop food alone. One day maybe I got a boyfriend to walk with.
And after the and A will go and shop in the city.
It is hard to date a guy and the same time I want to meet my friends. They have to share my free time.
It is not always easy.
It is her day today. I don´t want to loose her.
So he have to wait until tomorrow.
I don´t know what to shop today...I did shop online last night on H&M.
I really have to save the money if I want to go on holiday in September.
Esprit and Vila has really nice clothes.
So let´s see how many bags I will bring home;)
Peace and Love


Now I am sick:(
I couldn´t get well as I wanted. So today it will only relax and keep me warm and drink a lot of warm tea and cold water. Let´s hope that I will get better til tomorrow.
Peace and Love


Have a cold in my body:(
I really don´t want it!!
Drinking a lot of tea and keep myself warm.
Peace and Love


So not good update today:(
Peace and Love

Couple or not?

When am two persons a couple?
Me and my friend talked about it last night and we both thinks it is little blurry.
We both date a guys each and she met her guy before me....stil can´t say that they are together.
I feel like me and my guy is together but are we a couple now?
I guess that is something that the couple have to figure out.
Wonder what guys is thinking about that question?
Enough with that kind of talk.
My plans today is to meet him and eat lunch and drink coffee:)
This weekend I will work so that update will not be so good:(
So now I have to get ready!
Peace and Love


Why do I not do what I am suppose to do?
I start to get angry on myself!
Back to what I should do!!!
Peace and Love

My plans today

Been on education with my work today:)
And then go to the gym
And after that was the plan to meet J. But he was to busy today so it will be tomorrow.
First time I will invide him to my place:O
So now I have to deal with the apartment and figure out what to make for lunch tomorrow.
Peace and Love

feeling pretty good today:)

Little tired but that I will fix with coffee:)
Soon I will meet my date:) and I don´t know when I will be back tonight.
Seeyou later!
Peace and Love

Little about something

Been thinking little about my blog and wonder if I should bring it up to my dating friend.
I can´t say yet that he is my boyfriend.
Or when to say that?
I guess he will wait little longer. A secret is not good in the long run.
So how to get more readers?
Write about something special
Update often
Lay my own photos in the blog
My work make it little difficult to update often.
But I am trying.
Have you seen this little thing?
Not many who have notised it.
It is not always this big but stil so cute
I eat the youghurt with him on;)
So this is what it looks in my fridge;)
Peace and Love


Been busy and had my sister here.
But now I will try to be back here;)
Peace and Love

Plans today

My plans today:)
Meeting my friend J
My sister comes for a visit
Peace and Love

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