Time to go:)

Time to meet my bf and some friends:)
It is cold today and my new winter jacket can handle it really well:)

Hope you all get a great day!

Peace and Love


day plans?

Waiting for my bf to contact me.
Wonder how long time it will take?
 Or should I take day to be with myself. Sometimes we all need that too:)
Peace and Love


How is your day today?
Mine started slow and I am still a bit tired. But I hope it will get better after a shower:)
About my hair
Why does it feel that it stop to grow?
I really want long hair now but it feels that it takes forever. Have thought about extenstions but that cost pretty much.
I have a long trip to save money too.
I guess I have to wait with my hair and try to let it grow by itself.
I kind of have this long hair now

And want this
I guess later that I have to have extenstions if I want this thick hair.
Let´s see if I can get there
Peace and Love


Hi there
Hope there will be a shopping day today.
Not that I know what to look for but there are some ON SALE now in the stores.
But first I have to get my apartment more ready...
Have to start to think that maybe one day my bf will move in here. One day and NOT tomorrow.
I am not ready yet to let someone in here.
That is one advise that i give you.
YOU have to be ready for that! YOU rule over that!
I really want to make a trip now.
I have to work and then I can have my holiday. Hope I can make a little trip later this summer.
And hope with J.
Just one question.
Would you go on a soccer trip for the bf?
Mine LOVES Liverpool FC.
And I am not into British soccer...not soccer here either. Likes one team here but I don´t go to every game.
Peace and Love


So tired today so change of plans
Need to relax today so no date with bf. Onde day he have to see this part too
But not today.
Hope I can write little more here then:)
So how your Sunday been so far?
Peace and Love

Hi there!

Today I am free from work but will be busy anyway.
Hope that I will meet my bf today and make some shopping:)
Not that I have any plans what to buy.
Here come a FIT Inspiration picture too
Peace and Love


 I will se him this year!!
You know who you are<3
Peace and Love

Bad update

Sorry that I didn´t write yesterday
Went back home and met my bf right away.
I haven´t told him yet about this blog but maybe one day. I don´t want it should be a secret either.
I know that he would let me write and I know he may read it too then.
I really don´t write down negative things here.
So after Christmas holidays then it is time to work again.
Normal day have to start.
So the bad update will start today.
I give the morning music now
 Peace and Love

Happy New Year!

Peace and Love

Christmas gifts:)

I got my last Christmas gifts today and I LOVE them!
I only say that I will see this 2014:)
Miyavi always has and always will be one of my favorites. Sad that he don´t play here in Sweden:(
So now I will go somewhere else to see him play:)
Yohio....seen his concert twice this year.What can I say? I really love his music:)
Got a COOL t-shirt too:)
By Yu Phoenix. Wanted this one for a long time:)
First time I saw Yu Phoenix was when he was in the music band Cinema Bizarre.
And now making music with the band DNR.
What more....
Many pictures with Tokio Hotel
A wonderful drawing picture of me and my sister<3
A pink kitchen knife
My twin sister knows me 100% and know what I want:)
Peace and Love


Still eating Christmas food here:)
What is you favorite on the table?

Mine is herring salad:)
Perhaps it doesn´t sound so good but it is. Apple, potatoes, herring, beetroot, pickled cucumber and wipped cream are in it.
An other favorite is
Christmas ham
Now I waiting on my dear twin sister to come home. Miss her very much:)
Peace and Love


Soon 2014

Are you happy with 2013?
So time for thinking about a new  New Year's Resolution.
I broke mine 2013. It hold maybe 6-7 month so still I am pretty satisfied with it:)
Next time I thought to keep it the whole year...that is my plan anyway;)
I want my dream body now.
And that is my resolution.
So a gym card and try to eat more healthy:)
 Not that I will stand on my hands but maybe will be able to do that.
Found this picture on Google.
Peace and Love


Christmas is soon over and it has been a strange Christmas.
Two of my sisters couldn´t come:(
I have my eldest sister here with her family. It is fun and I can get closer to her son.
So how is your Christmas?
Now I have to go down stairs to join them:)
Peace and Love

Winter jacket

Now I got my new jacket!
It fits me perfect:)
I don´t have any pictures on me with it yet but I LOVE it!
I wasn´t sure that I would get it before Christmas.
This year I will work during Christmas. But after that I will go home and celebrate Christmas with my family. Sad that my twin sister will not be there.
Perhaps I have told you that before.
Have to get ready to go out and maybe meet J.
Peace and Love

oh NO!!!!

So what to do during my vaccation? An other trip maybe to Falun in August:)
I hope that I can see Sabaton 2014.
LOVE the music!
Or an other wish that I can see Miyavi.
 Now time for breakfast!
Peace and Love


Today I will celebrate a little Christmas with my bf.
We can´t be together during Christmas so we do that some days before.
Made some food and hope it taste as good as it looks:)
Some things is the first time I do.
Peace and Love


What do you this evening?
Looking at TV on Big Bang Theory. Love that show!
Have you send any Christmas cards this year?
I have:)
Trying to get Chrismas feeling in the air but how to do that?
 I've lit the candles and maybe put on a DVD movie about Christmas or should I put on some Christmas carols?
I guess I don´t got the feeling yet because there are NO snow:(
Hope the spirit will come soon
Peace and Love



Slept pretty well but didn´t feel for laundy today. Changed it to an other day:)
So now it time for taking care of the apartment so I can have movie evening here with J.
So now I will put on some music or watch a movie
Peace and Love

Winter jacket

But great winter jacket zipper braked some days ago:(
So now I have to look for a new one...pretty fast before the snow will come.
Or will it be a green winter?
I thinking about to get one of these:)
But tomorrow I will go out in the city to look first.
If I don´t find it there...then it will be this one!
So GOOD LUCK to me!
Peace and Love


Hope you all had a great Sunday morning.
Three candles today and closer to Christmas:)
What will you during Christmas?
I will be working:( But that is a own choice.
 But then after I will go to my parents house and celebrate Christmas with my family.
Sad that my twin will not be there:(
But she will come back for New Years Eve:)
Peace and Love

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