good night!

My team didn´t win :(
But it was fun!

Time for bed!

See you tomorrow!

Peace and Love


bye for today

See ya tomorrow!

have to go!

Have a nice evening!

Peace and Love



I hope you all had a Great morning!
I been working again but tonight I will have pentathlon with some colleagues.
Will be fun bcause it was a long time I saw them.

Forgot to tell you that I bought some Manga books last weekend. I am collecting on some series.
This is the first books on the series that I collecting.(of course that I have more then number one in every serie)

Here is some of them....I have more.

Now I have to get ready for tonight.

Peace and Love




Had a good time today?

There are some things I need to do.
Plant some flowers on my balcony. Wonder what kind of flowers I will choose?
Pink, purple and blue was last year.
Maybe this weekend it will happen.

See you tomorrow!

Peace and Love




Had a great time with my friend last night. Played some games to 2 A.M., and I slept over at her place.
My plans for to day is to take care of my apartment so I can invide her next time.

Later I will work.

Some things I have seen on ASOS

And much more!

See you later

Peace and Love


Holiday and little more.

Lazy day today a guess. Sleeping a lot.
But now I am up and will write little here.

What are you doing today?
Summy day like here? Bathing in the ocean? or sea?
I don´t really like the cold water...I just want to walk in the water with no problem but I guess that only happens in a warmer countries.
Ex when me and my sister was in Crete, Greece.
(borrowed from google)

My summer vacation is in August and I hope it is warmer so I can bath in the ocean or I have to take a trip.
Let´s see what it will bring.

And now I got a message from a friend....I will meet her now.
So it may not be any more update for today.
See you tomorrow!

Peace and Love


See you tomorrow!

Sorry that I don´t have the time today!
See you tomorrow!

Peace and Love


little about the weekend

My dear sister was here this weekend and I didn´t have the time to update with my blog.
Shopping in the city...BBQ at my friend
this skirt!
And a top but I don´t have a picture on it yet.
Both comes from SHOCK!

And some Manga books from Science Fiction Bookstore.

Now I have to eat something!

Peace and Love


Correcting and inspiration!

I told  before I had my first BBQ but that wasn´t my first. I had one with my sister. Sorry about that!

What to do get rid of that? Testing tea wih honey. Something else?
I am so tired of it.

A little inspiration 4 2 day!

Peace and Love



Testing Remby!

I think I will start to use it!

Now I will take care of my aparment and then work!
So see you maybe later!

Ohterwise enjoy the video and see ya tomorrow!




For the bad update yesterday!
First I had a thing at my work and after that I went to my friend and helped her with her apartment and it ended with BBQ! the first for the year!

Write more later!

Peace and Love


style icon

Still looking for a summer jacket.
Where is the perfect one?
Any ideas?

A fashion icon that I like is Jackie O

She was so beuatiful and she had style!!!

See you later!

Peace and Love


I LOVE....

the weather now! SUN SUN SUN! and the HEAT! HEAT HEAT!
I really missed the Summer and it feels really it is on its way!
I guess I will sit on my balcony a lot!
But be carefull when you are out cancer is somthing noone wants.

Wish I had this balcony with this view!
I am pretty lucky with my balcony....I have a big leaf tree pretty close but it doesn´t take the sun away, but it takes away view from my neigbours.

See you later!

Peace and Love



Will relax today and take care of my health.
Today, I will download a package to my sister. Let´s hope I can get it out.
Her new shoes!! She loves them and she wanted them for a looooong time now.

And my favorites is:

We both love heels but little different kind of heels!

She will come to me this weekend and we will look for clother for a wedding.

See you later!

Peace and Love


See ya tomorrow!

Working again!
Feeling not on top and work at the same time....the blog will not update so often.
Let´s see if I can write tomorrow more!

See you later

Peace and Love


See ya!


I will give you an inspiration picture first!

Peace and Love

movie tip!

Remember the movie Terminator? I guess everone has seen it.
I like the movie becuse most of the guy in it and it is not Arnold!

Michael Biehn

I think I have to get that movie.

Now I have to get ready for work!
I am not 100% OK but still I will go! I will make the best of it!

See you later!
Now I will enjoy the sun for a short time!

Peace and Love


Inspiration Youtube 4 2 day!

I hope you enjoy it as I did!

Peace and Love



Feeling better but 100%OK. Will relax today too! Start to get tired of that!
Want to go out for the fresh air and same time I don´t want to get cold.
Drinking my tea-mix is number one for me today.

Looking at Big bang theory on DVD now.
What do you think about Penny´s fashion?

Thinking little to introduce this style to a special girl who been talking about colors lately.

Peace and Love


a tip for sore throat!

A tip:
If you have a sore throat, try grated  fresh ginger, crushed fresh garlic and honey with hot water. You can take a dop a teabag if you want too.
And most important.....try to drink it when it is the hottest.

Now it is time for me to go to bed....I need to get well fast.

See you tomorrow!

Peace and Love


My totally favorite!

Here is a little updater from my favorite artist Miyavi!
I still love his music!

Peace and Love


Project Runway

my favorite in every season that I have seen

Season 1
The winner here is Jay McCarroll but he wasn´t my favorite

My favorite was:

Austin Scarlett

Season 2
The winner here was Chloe Dao ans she wasn´t my favorite either.

My favorite was:

Nick Verreos

Season 3
The winner is Jeffrey Sebelia and he was my favorite one!!!

Season 4
The winner here is my favorite too....Christian Siriano!!!

Season 5
The winner here is Leanne Marchall and she wasn´t my favorite

My favorite was:

Kenley Collins

Season 6
In this episode I thought noone stand out. So noone become my favorite.

The winner was:

Irina Shabayeva

Season 7
The winner here was Seth Aaron Henderson and he was my favorite

Season 8
The winner was Gretchen Jones and she wasn´t my favorite at all

I think my favorite should have won this all thing!

Andy South

Season 9
Never been shown here :(

And the winner was:

Anya Ayoung-Chee

See you later

Peace and Love


better but not ok

Feeling little better so it may be easier for me to update more today.
Not that nothing will happen when I am home but I can write little about music or fashion....let´s see what I can dig up.

Looking at Project Runway and it is a replay of course. I still get so much inspiration by the whow.

Will write more about that later!

Peace and Love


Love this song with Nicki Minaj!

That song makes me dance!
can´t do it now because of the flu:(

Peace and Love


R.I.P Donna Summer!

Peace and Love


see you later!

I think I got the flu :(
Have to sleep and relax a lot and I am so sorry that I can´t write here at the same time.

Take care!

Peace and Love



Looking at their site again!
And of course found some things that I liked.

Here is some of them ;)

Looking around!

Peace and Love


getting sick? hope not!

Problems with the throat and it just gets worse!
Lucky that you can´t hear me;)

Today I will just take care of myself and getting better.
Just eat some lunch with my friend A.

See you later!

Peace and Love


Carrie Bradshaw in SATC!

Little clothes inspiration 4 2 day!

Like the show and the movies.
It is much because of the fashion!

See you tomorrow!

Looking at Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban on DVD and drinking Red Bull.

Peace and Love


see ya!

Sleepy sleepy!
Coffee Coffee!
Grey day Grey day!

Hope it will be better tomorrow!
With sun and not tired. Thinking about getting flowers to the balcony tomorrow. Let´s see what I can find.

Peace and Love



Laundry day again! Borring again! a must...yes :(
I haven´t found a funnier way yet to do that. I tell you when I get that!

Ever heard about
A friend of mine told me about it and I have to look closer on that site.
She loved it!

I will just relax today. Myabe draw some clothes later.

See you later!

Peace and Love


Inspiration 4 2 day!

Peace and Love


Working a lot again!

See you more next week!

Peace and Love



Hello everyone out there!
I hope you all had fun last night! And will have fun tonight too!

And I hope you all runners today do their best! I will NEVER do that! I don´t like to run at all.
Many say that and in the beginning it is borring but after a few times and you feel the time is better and you can run is more fun. Then you want just to make it better.
One other training form that I DON´T like is spinning. Tried it twice....NEVER again!
But I do like some other trainings form like gym, swimming, Body Pump, Zumba, Body Balance, Yoga.
Kettle/Box and Kettlebell is two I really want to try.
But first of all I have to get the gym card;) and I will take it soon.

But today I will work.

Now I have to get ready!
Maybe see you later!

Peace and Love


Last update 4 2 day!

Looking at the movie Julie & Julia with Amy Adams and Meryl Streep.
Cute movie!

I want to say that take care of eachother this weekend.

Peace and Love


Inspiration 4 2 day!

Be yourself!

Peace and Love


I want new shoes!

So far I get this:

My sister got a pair cool shoes the other day. This pair:

It is a bit different between the designers.

Should order a pizza now!

Peace and Love


Good Morning!

It´s looking it will not be a sunny day and I hope it will be not rainy either. I guess for a grey day.
Wonder when the heat and Summer will come?

Now it is breakfast time!

See you later!

Peace and Love


See ya!


Peace and Love


Looking for a dress!

to my sister!
And here is some of my ideas

Some of these she seen and some of them she allready said no to, but still I want to show you this.

Now I will watch TV or listen to some music and shake it little.

Peace and Love


Rainy day!

Rain rain rain!
Laundry day and typical my laundry room is in an other building.
I hope it gets better tomorrow. I free day from work for me and some shopping on my list.

come back later!

Peace and Love



Have you heard about that you can change color for 1 day?
Read it in a magazine.

Called Color bug.


Myaybe I will try it one day.

Peace and Love


Here a short time again!

I want to thank my twin sister for the video.
Twins are always twins and NOTHING can take the connetion they have for eachother.
Twins are not like sister and older/younger is something just twins knows.
I always has my BEST friend with me! LOVE!

Peace and Love


work work work!

Working some days now and then it is not easy to update this blog as often.
I will try my best to update!

Work day today.
Meeting with the work later.

Now I will go and eat some food.

See you later or see you tomorrow!

Peace and Love



"Beware of half-truths, you may have got hold of the wrong half"

Peace and Love


Good morning!

I hope you all have a SUNNY day as me. Feel forbeeing out all day. Let´s see if I do that ;)

Eat some lunch with a friend and after that I have to shop some food.
Now it is time for work again.

See you later!

Peace and Love

Movies tonight!

Looking at the movie "Leap year" now with Amy Adams. Sweet and little funny.

and then after that comes the movie "House of Wax" with Paris Hilton

Let´s see if I can watch the whole movie.

Peace and Love!




Made a fast order on H&M and I think one person will be little mad at me now.
But I will promise her to make more if she want to be with.

This is what I order:

and one little gift to my sister. I just hope it will fit her well.

See you tomorrow!


Peace and Love



Back home again!

Been a GREAT weekend with my dear sisters!

Tell you maybe more later!

Now I will just relax rest of the day!

Peace and Love


SPA and Inspiration 4 2 day!

Can´t update today becuse I at SPA Weekend with my sisters!

Peace and Love


SPA and Inspiration 4 2 day!

Can´t update because I at SPA weekend with my sisters!

Peace and Love


Back here!

Sitting here in the kitchen and write.

Been out for a little trip and ate so much. Now I can wait til BBQ tonight.
The weather is so grey now and rain is in the air. But still I am in a pretty good mood.

Maybe see you later

Peace and Love


hi there!

Good morning!
It will be a lovely weather here again! Sun is shining and I am happy!
Today I will shop some things to me and my sisters weekend. We will go to a SPA!
First time for me and I wonder what treatments they have. Massage is not bad.

I hope you all get a great day like me!

Peace and Love


Nighty night!

Time to go to bed.
Tomorrow it will be a little trip again with my parents and on the evening...BBQ!! So good!
I got my mushroomes and my whole corncubs and of course som meat.

Can a girl get to much shoes? I don´t think so.
I want these:

do you think they all remind you of something?

This may be the answer

Christian Louboutin

so far I got these

These Victoria Beckham has!

see you tomorrow!

Peace and Love


Hi again!

Sitting here again and make different of things. Helping my dad a lot.
Wonder if mum wants som help too in the garden?

I wonder how to get a blog popular? or more readers?
Can you give me ideas?

I can give you an inspiration picture here that I have today.

Victoria beckham will always be a fashion icon for me.

Now I remember that I would tell you more which icons I have....
Victoria Beckham, Bill Kaulitz and Miyavi is three that I been showing.

Let´s see who is more....have to think about that....

See you later

Peace and Love



Time to go out in the lovely weather again!

will fix some things!

Peace and love


see ya!

Coffee time with daddy!

Peace and Love


Good morning

Sitting here in my sisters old bedroom and her computer on my lap.
Wish that I had my own. My next computer will be a laptop. So easy take along on the trips I make.

My plans for today.
Help my parents in the garden, take care of the dog J and later spend time with my sister CMeCicci.
I bet you have seen her blogs?
Look at them too!

So maybe see you later! I hope so anyway!

Peace and Love

shopping time!

Back home again and my hair is so nice now!
Love it!
Everytime I go to my hairstylist...I get so happy. She knows what I really want and I get it.

Spring is here and the trees get´s their green colours. I really want Summer to come. To have lighter clothes and dresses.
I have to get new pants....I am thinking about some other colours...light blue or light green or why not light pink.
Let´s see what I will bring home after my shopping trip with my parents.

Have to go!

Peace and Love

Have a sunny day!

I will cut my hair today!
Looking so forward to it.

Then later a trip with my parents somewhere....let´s see where the car will take us.

Now I have take the dog out for a walk!

see you maybe later!

Peace and Love



At my parents and enjoy my free days from work.
Spend some time with my twinsister too.

Sisters weekend soon and we will be on a SPA. Nice!!!

See you maybe later or tomorrow. Let´s see if I can borrow a computer.
Wish now for a own laptop.

Peace and Love


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