Fashion Inspiration Roberto Cavalli!

See you tomorrow!
Peace and Love


Joan Jett!!
Peace and Love


Work work and work.
Good to be back but same time I wanted to have more holiday. I guess all feel that efter holiday.
Looking at Top Model now on TV and soon Project Runway.
I LOVE project Runway better.
Here is my TOP 5 designers from the show:
Christian Siriano
Andy South
Jeffery Sebelia
Keneley Collins
Seth Aaron Henderson
But the Project that shows noone of these are with.
Christian, Jeffrey and Seth won their seasons. Andy South came 3rd and Keneley came 3rd in their seasons.
I get so much inpsiration from that show and I really wantto change my apartment so I can saw my own clothes.
Time for eat something.
Peace and Love

Good Morning!

Hope you all slept well.
Working day today and I will try my best to update. Nothing really happens while I am working;)
Seeyou later!
Peace and Love

Make Up Inspiration

Peace and Love

Fashion Inspiration Christian Siriano!

See you tomorrow!
Peace and Love


We had really lucky witht the weather yesterday. Today it is grey and rain in the air.
But I have to go out and buy some food to my work.
And I hope so much it will not rain then.
I can tell you right away now that I will work a lot and my update will not be so good at all.
I will try my best to do it anyway.
Peace and Love

Good morning!

The last hours of my holiday is on now.
Feel little bad and same time I know when I am there...then it all the same again.
I have made a little promise to myself....NOT complain at all.
Before my holiday...I thought I complained a lot....but I guess it was because I was tired at looked forward to holiday.
But now I am filled my energy and will not complain at all!
Here comes a make up inspiration
Have my laundry day today plus that I have to make my morning coffee.
Peace and Love


A tip for music to Joan Jett!
Her music and her voice is so good!
Peace and Love


Perfect weather for Liseberg.
So much fun!
Thanks to C and M!
I think I have to take care of some dishes and then bed is calling.
My sister will call first when she is home and safe.
See you tomorrow.
My first working day is tomorrow.
Peace and Love

Want want want

Will order some pizza soon or kebab plate.
My dear guests wanted it.
So what to shoose?
Have been thinking on how to decorate my apartment. Have pretty many ideas and I really want to change everything now but know that I can´t.
Have to guests comes soon!
Peace and Love


Peace and Love

Hair Inspiration

I want to save to long hair againbut it takes  soooo loooong time!!!
While I haveing my middle long...I have to do the best with it.
Looking at some hair tutorials on youtube and see a really intresting hairstyle
Have seen it before and liked it really much then too.
Peace and Love

Good morning!

And what a GREAT morning.
It seems it will be so great weather! PERFECT!!!
Coffee and breakfast time now.
Peace and Love


Peace and Love

Good Night!

Am I ready for tomorrow?
Hope only for good weather.
Talked to my friend M today and now the trip is paid.
So what is my plans for the rest of the week.
I will start my work again. It is fun to have holiday but it is time for to go back to work.
So now I will look at Project Runway.
See you tomorrow
Peace and Love

some plans

Tomorrow my sister comes back and this time she brings her boyfriend.
We will have a whole day at:
Hope for a better weather then I had today.
Peace and Love

Wedding dresses

Look at this wedding dresses....SO AMAZING!!!
Wedding between Dita von Teese and Marilyn Manson.
And Carmen Electra and Dave Navarro
And Victoria Adams and David Beckham
And Christina Aguilera and Jordan Bratman
Do you have any favorite dress?
I will not be married yet;)
Peace and Love


Back to reality. My father went home today.
Been shopping some things today. Bowls with dots on.
I don´t have any picture on it but it looks almost like this:
Three pink and one grey. I wanted four pink but they didn´t have that:(
Now I will take care of dishes and some plates that my father brought here.
Peace and Love

Enjoy the day!

Last days of my holiday. Sad bad true.
I had a really good holiday...ok it could be better with a trip to Berlin.
But I think we did it really good anyway.
Soon back to work:(
My normal life is back and that is good. If I don´t have normal days then I can´t enjoy my holiday either.
So it is ok to go back.
One other sad thing is the Summer is soon really over. Cold and windy. Me don´t like at all.
I love the heat and the sun.
My father is still here and my sister went this morning back home.
See her soon again I hope...really soon!
Peace and Love

Neil Armstrong!

Rest In Peace
Peace and Love


I am having so much fun while my sister and our father is here.
Been at a museum and after that went to the sea. Sunny but little cold.
Taco time soon:)
Have to go back to my guests.
Peace and Love

good morning!

Breakfast time!
Coffee and sandwich is my usually breakfast. When I have guests then I also take yoghurt.
Do you eat something good every morning?
Now I am waiting for them to come.....some things to do still.
Will put on some music.
See you maybe later....I will really try.
Peace and Love


Peace and Love

Good Night!

Tomorrow will be a hard day. Not really finnished with my apartment.
Most of it is clear.
Now I try to found things we can do.
My father love seafood...hmmm...that would be perfect.
Sweet dreams!
Peace and Love


Looking at Pirates of Caribbean:Dead man´s chest!
It is really good. I bet I have told you that before. But can it be said to much?
Pirates of Caribbean....all of the movies is good.
Then I can say...Johnny Depp makes or shoose really good movies. Or does he make them so good?
Pirates of Caribbean
Benny & Joon
Edward Scissorhand
Sweeney Todd
Alice in Wonderland
Charlie and the Choclate Factory
Finding Neverland
What´s eating Gilbert Grape
A movie which is good but NOT the best of him. But I feel it is like a must to see....if you like Johnny.
He is a really good actor!
Peace and love


Peaceand Love

got the time:)

Spend some time with my friend and her boyfriend. They are looking for some things to their apartment.
I was with as company.
Now when I am back....have to start to deal with my apartment.
Have to eat something too:(
But don´t know now what? Hamburger?
I can say right now it may be bad update this weekend.
I hope you have a Great weekend and take care of eachother.
Peace and Love

Hair Inspiration

Peace and Love


Try my best to get ready!
Tomorrow my sister and our father comes here!
Where can I get more time???
Really want to see my friend too!
Liv Tyler is a really beautiful woman.
ok...I think her father is pretty hot too;)
Peace and Love

damn phone!

Woke up by my phone ringing. And it was a machine voice message. Someone who didn´t send it to my mobile phone.
It was the first time I got it...but why make it so early. Lucky it was not important.
Ok...I LOVE mornings and I LOVE to wake up around 7AM. It is the best time to go up.
So now it is time for me to get my coffee!
See you later!
Peace and Love


Peace and Love

Can´t be everywhere at the same time:(

Been at my friend. Hope she will feel better soon.
It is not always easy.
I will support her!
So that was my day.
Will meet her tomorrow too.
See you tomorrow
Peace and Love

Bad update

Sorry for that!

Peace and love


Good start!

Sitting on my balcony in the sunshine and drink my fist cup of coffee!
Can it be better? I don´t think so.
Do you have anything you have to start with every day?
I have my coffee. I know it is just an idea in my head but it feels so good after it.
I think many has coffee.
What to do today.
My apartment
Help in my firend´s apartment
This is my plan so far.
Peace and Love

Happy DAY!

Once upen a time....use the fairy tales start with.
I feel it will be a great day. Don´t know how or when the feeling is there.
Must have my first cup of coffee just.
Have some things I really have to do today.
Now maybe I gonna have two visitors this weekend. HOPE SO!!!
So I hope you all have a good start as me!
See you later!
Peace and Love

Make Up Inspiration

Peace and Love

Sleep well!

Good Night!!
See you tomorrow. Let´s see what that day will bring.
Peace and Love

How to make food fun?

Ate some lunch with my friend and shopping a lot of food. I will Have food for months.
Borring shopping but now it is done and I will not buy food for a while.
I don´t think it is so fun to cook dinner. Maybe because that I never found the right food recipes.
Italian, german, french, japanese...chinese...
What do you think is most fun to do?
I will eat some chicken soon.
Hope you all have a great day.
Peace and Love

Shoes Inspiration!

Peace and Love


Peace and Love

Clothes and Make Up Inspiration

Good Morning!
Little tired and ready for today. Really have to get some things ready today.
Will meet a friend later.
Like this girl´s youtube videos a lot. So COOL!
Peace and Love

Make Up Inspiration

Peace and Love

Good Night!

Sleep well!
Peace and Love


I really have to get my apartment ready....but how to start?
Dishes first and then rooms....
It is so borring but so nice when it is done.
Should I have music on or should I have a movie on.
Waiting now for my friend to call on the phone. or maybe she will call tomorrow.
Tomorrow I will meet A again and eat on the Salad bar Paprika. So good!!!
Thinking allready on what to shoose between.
So if you have any ideas how to make the cleaning funnier...tell me!
Peace and Love

Little about....hmmm

back again!
Talking with my friend M by phone.
 And we can talk really long time. Some changes in her life maked it easier to call and meet her.
And that is not bad at all.
Met my friend G and ate some lunch. Took vegetarian lasagna and that was really good.
Love to eat vegetarian foods but I think it is hard to make it myself.
Let´s see if I make something tonight.
And that makes me remember that I need to shop some food.

Maybe tonight or tomorrow. I guess more it will happen tomorrow.
Now I am looking at Absolutely Fabulous. Did you see them at the Olympics?
Peace and Love


Peace and Love

Hair Inspiration and Make Up Inspiration

Peace and Love

friends or

Good Morning everyone!
Slept well?
Eating breakfast now and really need to start to get ready for meeting my friend.
I really needto get my apartment ready for the weekend....but when?
I want to join friends too....
See you later!
Peace and Love

Been away

Late update.
Been at my friends apartment and played some games and had fun.
Will meet them tomorrow too + an other friend
Now the bed is calling.
Peace and Love


Today my best friend has her birthday!!!
Celebrate her!!
Ice cream later today. Let´s see if I can update more later.
Peace and Love


Try my best to make it up for the last couple of days.
My sister is on her way home again:(
Sad but it has to happen. Normal days has to come back.
Here is a inspiration of make up
Now it is time for me to get my apartment ready for gusets;)
Peace and Love

See you next week

Bad update.
Next week it will be better:)
Hope you have a GREAT weekend!
Take care of eachother.
Now I will spend some time with my dear twinsister!
Peace and Love


NEXT time is here!!!
Will get many rides this time!!!
See you there!
Have to do one thing first;)
Peace and Love

Cancer or Crab time!

Home again!
We went to the place with the green rabbit;)
One ride this time:) and next time it will be more.
Drinking coffee now....and soon it will be ...
So tasty!!!
One time a year and the day is here!
So I hope you all have a great day as me!
Peace and Love

Hair Inspiration

Peace and Love

Little about shoes and my day

Good morning!
I didn´t go to......
We stayed home and relaxed. Maybe today...!
Me and my sister like the same kind of rides there. So much fun.
So what is your plans today?
I wonder again how to make this blog something or am I satisfied how it is now.
hmmmm....something to think about.
A pair of shoes that I want
Really like this....I got the inspiration from..
Love her style here!
So ....the weather are perfect here now...SUN!! HEAT!!!
So what to wear....hmmm....will walk a lot.....tank top I guess and pair of shorts.
Maybe I write later....or maybe I write tomorrow...See you then!!
Peace and Love


Peace and Love

Olympics and Victoria

The last day of Olympics has past and everything on tv is normal again.
It is fun when it happens and the same nice when it is over.
Victoria Beckham was with in the last show and she was with the former band-members in Spice Girls.
Loved her dress. Ok...I almost love everything she wears.
Now I will talk to my sister.
Peace and Love

Wiiiiiiii!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!! so much fun!

Peace and Love


Now it Monday and still holiday. And the weather is great today too.
Summer is here:)
during this and my sister renting a car. It will make it so easier to go to things. Hmmm.... where do i want to go;)
One thing for sure is that it will be shopping!!!YEAH!!!
My day didn´t start so well...I have to turn the thing around. Little things became big in my mind.
Get so irritated.
So my plans today is not to be angry or upset....or try to be anyway.
Let´s see if how my plans go today;)
Peace and Love


Peace and Love


Peace and Love


This a great idea!
My sister showed me this youtube-video. My sisters would be perfect to do this with.
Peace and Love


Bad update when I have holiday....sorry for that!
Yesterday me and my sister went to IKEA and looked at great things. Get some inspiration from there and how I want my apartment.
My sister has some great ideas too;)
The weather yesterday was so warm and sunny....LOVE!!!
And today it is the same kind of weather. Will spend some time outside and get som color;)er

My sister sit  in my livingroom with her computer and I sit in the kitchen with that social?
She has blogs too so...maybe she is looking for some music for that now.
Hope that I come back soon
Peace and Love


Peace and Love


Peace and Love

Enjoy the last hours!

Good morning!
Here I am...still home at my parents but will go home later today.
It has been great here.
Rainy again....
so happy for yesterday and the sunny weather. Sunbath a short time.
Yesterday Japan girl team in soccer got silver medal. YEAH!!!!
You did it really good girls!!!
Today me, CMeCicci and mum will go to a cafe and just talk. Really nice to have the close connection between us.
So now I have to pack my bags so they are ready for the trip.
Hope to see you later!
Peace and Love

BBQ and applepie

The day have been good...and it is not end yet... more to come:)
Lovely evening...real summer evening.
I wish I had a photo on it....maybe I can show that an other day.
My sister C....or should I say....CMeCicci..She is my best friend.
Will find out things to do next week....have to make it up...when the Berlin trip didn´t come along.
Have you read by the way my sister´s blogs?
She has three really great ones.
Let´s see where I am tomorrow;)
Home or still here one more day:)
Peace and Love

Sunbathing time!

Sitting here with my sister. She has her computer and I have social;P
But we give ideas to eachother about how to decorate house/apartment.
My sister is looking at a youtube video with one of her biggest fashion inspiration. Jack Strify.
It is abeautiful video.
Today the sun and warm....the summer is here!
Tomorrow or the day after and my sister will go home to my apartment.
Sorry for the bad update.
Time for....
Sunbathing like Britney Spears:)
Peace and Love


Peace and Love


What do you think about these?
They are from
They take big place and I don´t think I have thet for the moment:(, but it would be nice.
Will look more for how to decorate my place;)
Peace and Love

decorate idaes

Good Morning!
My plans today is spending time with my sister, her boyfriend and my parents dog J.
Rainy today...again:(
But that will not distroy my day:)
I really feel to change and decoratemy apartment I said an other day.
I am looking after this side tables....with mirrors all around.
Like this or the idea of this....someone who knows where I can get it?
Maybe it will be be bad update today and tomorrow...let´s see if I can make it.
Peace and Love


Peace and Love

Little about nothing...really

Rainy rainy rainy day!
Fourth day of my holiday. It didn´t ruin my day.
Spend almost my whole day with my sister. She is GREAT!
Helped her in their house...or her boyfriends house;)
(knows that he reads my blog too)
Sitting here in my old room and wonder if I should start to read a new book or should I give the old book a chance more.....
Really want to come into reading much.
Maybe I should start like I did before. Borrowed books in the library, but this time I have my library at home.
I have so many books that I want to read.
There are so many things I want to start again...
I draw a lot before....I really want to be good again with that. These days I only draw clothes and not persons.
Gym....Hope I can start after my holiday;)
So now it is time for good night!
see you tomorrow!
Peace and Love

Inspiration 4 2 day!

Peace and Love

Good Night!

Sleeping time!
Spend time with my parents and my sister. We had BBQ!
The weather was not nice at all...rainy but no thunder. Lucky us. Wonder if that will come tomorrow?
I want to make my apartment more me....
Decorate it more....But I have to find the style that I want.
Will look for more inspiration tomorrow;)
See you tomorrow!
Peace and Love


Sorry for the bad update yesterday.
Was home at my sister´s place andreally didn´t do anything special. Talked a lot about fashion, how to decorate at home...and much more.
Today I helped my father to cut the grass. It will rain and thunder later today(if we should belivie the news).
Hope not....I don´t like thunder.
And I can´t update my blog while that is happening.
So what is on my plan today....
hope that me and my sister can take a walk later and then BBQ.
have figured out that I eat more when I am holiday ....good or bad?
This is only the third I can take care of that.
So....Coffee time with my father now.
see you later!
Peace and Love

second day of my holiday!

Wonder what will happen today?
Slept over at my sister and her boyfriend.
BBQ, candy and a movie last night....Earser...I think it was the name.
Breakfast time!
Peace and Love

Wonderful day today!

Shopping...hmmm....not so much for me:(
I have to think about to get it home I can´t buy so much. But some ideas I got.
Sunny weather too and it isa really good start.
I will try my best to update here;)
See you tomorrow!
Peace and Love

First day sunshine on my holiday!

Away with my sister and her boyfriend...he is a friend of mine these days.
We will go and shop little.
Wonder what I will find;)
See you later!
Peace and Love

Music and little more!

Love this song and love all of these versions.
Will make a trip so I hope I come back later today!
First day on my holiday and I will enjoy it
Peace and Love

Clothes inspiration

Now my holidays have started!!!
Will relax a lot.
Will meet my sister and her family and dady is there too.
Maybe see you later or tomorrow!
Peace and Love

Hair Inspiration

Peace and Love

See Ya!

Soon over with work!
See you tomorrow!
Peace and Love


Peace and Love


Good Night!
Peace and Love

youtube inspiration!

She gives tips about products, hair and fashion. Cool girl! Really like her youtube!
Peace and Love


Let´s start this too with music!
Peace and Love

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