Keep on smiling!

My sister comes this weekend!!
Wonder what we will do???

MUSIC NOW. Miyavi "Baka no Hito"

An other week an other sister comes here with her cute little boy.
It was desided today. So happy for that.

MUSIC NOW: Miyavi "21st Century Blues

Feel for listen a lot music by Miyavi. His voice makes me so happy.
When it is cold and dark outside..then it is improtant to find things that makes you happy.
Yesterday I got really happy to just read the newspaper Metro.
They put allt the happy faces on it.

Just to say hello to the busdriver perhaps makes her/his day better.
Give a smile to someone.
It doesn´t have to be much to do.

MUSIC NOW: Britney Spears " Dear Diary"





A smile can make anyone happy.
And the SUN which are up today.
I really missed the sun and the heat.

Sonn January has passed and I hop February gets better for me.
It can´t get worse anyway.

The sun made me so happy today.




I hope you all had a GREAT weekend.
I spend mine with my friend A.

Tomorrow it is working day again.



Good morning Neverland!

Good Morning!

I hope you all had a good night sleep. I did have that.
So nice to sleep at home.
Home sweet home.

Have to put on some music now. Addicted to music.

MUSIC NOW: Cinema Bizarre "Escape to the stars"

Maybe I should eat something. Let´s see what I can find



My dear family

Trying to get back here again.

I will let CMeCicci come back here again anytime. I love her so much.
She knows me so well in my fashion and in my music.

I love my family and when hard times comes....I know that I have them close.

I am so greatfull for that.

And a big thank you to my neigbours.




Thanx CMeCicci!



CMeCicci's guest play here over again

Still notes by CMeCicci, but Shoxx will be here again.

so what to talk about today, maybe music...
I guess u allready know what kind of music Shoxx likes...
yes, J-Rock.. I guess J-Pop works for her as well.

There are other bands she likes that doesnt come from Japan.
Lets find out if I know her at all..

it was more difficult than I thought it would be...Bullet for my Valentine is one group I know...


Yu Phoenix

Tokio hotel to say these cos she is going with me to see them in February

Sabaton..have to say these as well cos she has seen them a couple of times now

yeah, music is a big thing for her as it is for me...
though J-rock is something she loves more than me.
we both like some J-pop like the group of akb 48

and I even like a group from the genre K-pop (Korean pop)
Girls generation

end this days blog with a video of X Japan
this tune is also on spotify

auf wiedersehn

CMeCicci here as well...

Ive heard from other blogs that they invide people to guest blog in their blogs.
so here I am.

while Shoxx are talking some time off, Im helping her to update her blog.
now I wonder..should I talk about her subjects or should I be me...

I belive that I will write about something we got in common...and music and fashion are two things...
ok here we go!

* * * * * * * * *

our fashion styles and music are a bit different, even if we are twins.
she has two kind of styles in the fashion way as she said herself
one which is more classic and beautiful

tank tops, cardigans, tight pants, HEELS, dresses
think Victoria Beckham and that is pretty much the style.
I guess her favourite item here is the shoes. talk later about shoes

and the other one...rock-emo-visual kei...anyway the other style is things like red/black or pink/black stripes, hoodie, tight jeans (I guess grey is the colour of her favourites) and converse. pink, black or red details.
dont have any picture of this though...

Back to the Shoes!
Ive known my twin pretty well and shoes is something that she really loves..was on my way to say likes there, but she loves shoes. and its heels we talking about.

her intrest in heels came around -97 and the Spice girls were famous.
she really liked Posh spice and her shoes...though the shoes Posh used in the beginning...I guess they arent her favourites these two

perhaps Im wrong but now to the parade of shoes
Victoria Beckham style and Posh style
higher shoes these days

so her way towards the heels..
she got some..I dont know how many pairs of heels...

Dash-style is a site that sells shoes of different brands (very well made copies)
she got one pair allready

but there are more heels on this site she would LOVE to have

it is heels for her, that she loves though she wears flats mostly..still

me on the other hand ..yes I like heels though my style is pretty different
for sneakers (like the converse) I rather like shoes like this

though Sneaky Steve has stoped to do women shoes (DAMN)

and I really like Jeffrey Campell

though there have to be a pair of real favourite ;) though I like every Jeffrey shoe like these above.

Im realistic and realise that I dont have occasions to have heels with narrow heels (though heels over all :( )
but I guess heels like Jeffrey would work.
not to drive in though...

so when it comes to this site of brands...then there are bags easier for me to use
like Vuitton <3

see u l8er

my next project

Back again!

Looking at Project Runway. I really want to see a new episode of that show and not the old ones.
But still I get my inspiration there. I really want to learn to make my own clothes.
Make some that noone else has, just me.

Now I am saving money for my trip but after that I will save money to a sewing machine and a mannequin.

MUSIC NOW: Britney Spears "I´m not a girl, not yet a woman"

But there is so many sewing machine to shoose between. Which is best? Any ideas?

See you later!




My super hero! :P

Good morning all readers!

What will happen today?
My plan is to take photos and to the gym. I really don´t want to be lazy today.
Perhaps meet a friend.

I am waiting on the mailman too. I hope that mail I am waiting for is coming today.....hope, hope, hope.

Let´s start the morning with little music

MUSIC NOW: Miyavi "Super Hero"

Now I will get ready for the day!

See you later!




Start to get a cold...typical....:(
And so tired

MUSIC NOW: Hanna pakarinen "Leave me alone"

Washing an cleaning day today. Must to do and so borring.
Listen and dance while I am cleaning makes it more fun.

Nowdays I am looking at information to my trip. A lot to think about.
Passport is coming about a week.

MUSIC NOW: Miyavi"We love you"

Like I said it is a lot to think about. Presents? What to give them?
Need to look what we want to do and learn som phrases.
Watashi wa nihongo o hanasemasen for example ;)
One day I will learn japanese.

MUSIC NOW: Bullet For My Valentine"Waking the demon"

Love spotify!
So much music on one place.



Work work work and work

I work a lot now but these weekend I will be free.
My sister comes and we will have fun as always. Wonder if we will go to the cinema and see Breaking dawn?

MUSIC NOW: Avril Lavigne "Complicated"

Have you seen the blog I like it.
I like the header of it and hopes that she can help with mine.

MUSIC NOW: Britney Spears "Brave new girl"

Have you taken down the Christmas yet? I have just my balcony left with lights but that will be gone tomorrow.
It gets sot dark so fast when all that goes away. Have to light some candles or buy more small lamps that lights up the apartment.

MUSIC NOW: Bullet For My Valentine "Bittersweet memories"

Now I have to grab something to eat.



Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes

Ever heard about her?
I just say read the book by Eleanor Coerr.
They made a statue of her holding a giant golden origami crane in Hiroshima Peace Park.

The Statue



Bad day and a good movie

Looking at Marie Antoinette movie with Kirsten Dunst.

Pretty good movie.

I really hope you all had a better day then me today.
It only can get better from this and not worse.



January 2:nd

Hello my dear readers! It been a lovely day today. Still home at my parents and eat a lot of good food mum makes to me. Tomorrow we will make a little daytrip but I don´t know where yet. We deside that tomorrow. When I come home to my own place I have a lot to do. A package is waiting for me to get picked up. Have to get a new passport Find information for my trip and buy tickets and much more...... I wonder where I will dig up that time to do that. This evening I spend time with my wonderful twinsister C and her boyfriend. Ate taccos and chocolate after. Taccos can be really tastefull but not always. This time was so GOOD! That is a dish I can´t eat often. New Years resolutions? I guess I have the normal stuff that I have every year and every year I break them. And even then I try them again this year. Do you have any? Time to get into bed now! PEACE AND LOVE SHOXX

First day of the year!

First day and the first day it is snowing.
It is winter but I don't like to much snow.
I will cut my hair tomorrow at my normal hair saloon. I really like my hairstylist. She knows what I want and what I fit in.

Now I will go out in the snow a shuffle little. Nice gym work when my normal gym is not close.
It really works for the arms but be careful with the back/spine.

Maybe I write to you later.

Have a really nice first day!

Peace and Love


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